1. Audacity
Audacity is a free open-source platform that you can use to cut and merge MP3 audio. It is a multi-track audio editor, and you can use it as a recorder for Windows too. Download this software for free and view the documentation on how to use this software. You can import sound files easily and combine them in this software. Export multiple files at the same time in different file formats.
2. MusiCutter
MusiCutter is a free software only available in Windows. Download it from its website and start using it. This software helps to split and join MP3 audio easily. This software is popular in India, Indonesia, and Austria. This software supports many formats, such as MPEG. This software can handle a file of unlimited size. It can even produce frame statistics for MP3 files.
3. Shuangs Audio Joiner
Shuangs Audio Joiner allows you to merge multiple audio files. This application works with three major file formats, which include WAV, MP3, and WMA. The interface of this software is intuitive, and it allows you to select the files you want to merge. The window will show the size of the selected files, sample rate, and file name. The merging process is quick in this software.
4. MediaJoin
MediaJoin is an audio cutter tool that helps to cut any audio clips. You can join the clip in the format you desire. This software will be useful if you want to prepare a mashup song or mobile ring tone. Merge audios and videos of different formats using this software. You can change the settings of audio to change the frequency of sound.
5. Clideo Audio joiner
Clideo Audio Joiner allows you to choose files from Google Drive, Dropbox, or any URL to merge them. Add multiple files at once and merge your songs quickly using this software. The interface in Audio Joiner is easy to use and intuitive. You do not need to download or install this software as it is available online for free. You can even add a crossfade effect when you are combining files.
6. Audio Convert Merge Free
Audio Convert Merge is a software that you can download for free to merge your audio files. This software is only available for Windows. This software supports various formats of files. It takes up less storage space and allows batch processing. The interface of this software is simple, and it contains all the buttons in a single window.
7. Meda MP3 Joiner
Meda MP3 joiner is a small size application that is simple to use. It helps to merge two or more audio files. This software supports only MP3 format audio files. The installer in this software is fast. Add MP 3 files to your list using the file browser or drag and drop. Preview the audio files you have merged.
8. MakeitOne MP3
MakeitOne MP3 enables you to create albums using several MP3 files. This software can merge multiple files. Add an artist’s name and track tile in the form of a tag. This software is fast and supports drag and drop feature. This software is efficient and fast in merging audio files. This software is in the C# language, and it is a good media player.
9. Joyoshare Media Cutter
Joyoshare Media Cutter software is easy to use and helps to split audio files. You can trim audio and video files. Files can be of various formats like MP4, MPEG, and many more. You can even extract audio from video files. This software is a professional video joiner that you can set output format in two methods.
10. Swifturn
Swifturn is an MP3 audio cutter software that has an understandable user interface. It can edit tracks using multi-track mode. This software uses special tools to split and merge audio files. Listen to tracks that you have made changes. Cut songs to use as ringtone or mix audio files using this software. You can edit files on several audio tracks Parallel using this software. This software contains built-in functions to adjust volumes and add in effects.