- Exploding Bacteria

Yes, that’s a thing nowadays, instead of exploding grenade scientists created an exploding bacterium which explodes when it comes in contact with another pathogen. The explosion kills both the bacteria and pathogen, with this the diseases can be easily cured, and the pathogen doesn’t leave a trace inside our body, making it a unique way.
- Glow in the dark Dogs

In South Korea, scientists are trying hard to fight diseases in dogs like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer. In the effort, they make changes in the gene of dogs which makes them glow in the dark. It is now real and does happen.
- Anti-Malaria Mosquito

There is no cure for malaria and scientists have come up with the idea that the only way to treat this is the problem is by genetically altering the DNA of the mosquito that stays alive for a longer period, and the one who is resistive towards this, by this one can cure malaria or even eradicate it.
- Bomb Detecting Plants

Researchers are trying to change the DNA of plants so that they can detect any explosives or pollutants. They have come up with the change in color of plants, whenever they detect explosive they alter the color to white indicating the presence of such substances.
- Silkworm with Spider silk

Scientists are trying to make a hybrid of Silkworm and Spider. The strongest material that is spider silk and the mass producer of silk, silkworm is the best combination they have thought of mixing. By making a hybrid, they can produce spider silk with silkworms.
- Artificial Jellyfish from Rat cells

The researchers have designed a jellyfish from rat cells. The organism is exactly like a jellyfish but lacks some of its characters and is alive only under an electric field. The research is well going, and they are trying to imprint every trait of the animal.
- Scientific Telepathy

Reading each other’s thought and understanding them in the better way is what they are preparing. They have come up with a device that can change the neural signals of the brain into sense, and the device reads that and transmits into the soldiers as a text message or voice mail.
- Laser Guns

The science-fiction weapons are turning into reality, and people are trying to make it possible. This laser soon will be attached to the ships ad they can take down incoming missiles and mortars. The device is ready and soon will be a part of an army and is very efficient.
- Bullet Proof Gel

The bullet proof gel is a most grand invention. The gel is placed inside Kevlar, and when any bullet strikes the soldier, the gel hardens and takes up all the impact caused by the body making it more reliable and muscular. This way soldier’s life can be saved, and the effect of the bullet on the body is reduced.
- Regeneration

Scientists have successfully regenerated various parts of different organisms making them capable of leading their normal life. The main key to rebirth is pig’s bladder which has the capability of healing piece of the body.