Are you spending a generous amount of time on your phone and you feel like it is waste? Are you a student and your parents keeping firing you for using your phone too much? The time that you spend on the phone can be used wisely, if you want to, by downloading the right kind of apps – the productivity apps.
Technology is a boon, at the same time, it is a massive reason for the loss of motivation in students and one of the biggest distractions for them. You can either let it take you down or you could turn around the usage of this technology for your.
According to statistics, game apps are the most used. At the second rank are the social media apps and then the productivity apps. Let us make use of these apps to help our day be more productive, complete our tasks, and reach our goals faster and efficiently multi-task.
We have divided these apps in five main categories. Each category will have two apps, you can choose one from each, according to your needs.
Categories –
1. Time management apps
2. To-do list apps
3. Note taking apps
4. Anti-distraction apps
5. Memory, vocabulary booster apps
Let us get into the list of the top 10 productivity apps –
1. Time management apps
You have so many tasks to complete, homework, assignments, projects, study for that class test, get in your daily exercise, etc. These time-management apps will help you organize your tasks throughout the day, week, month to gain a better perspective of the future. When you organize your tasks, you get more free time than you think in the day, instead of feeling like your day is filled with studies and assignments.
Google Calendar –

• Set a reminder for project, assignment submissions
• Synced with Google Classrooms
• Color coding according to subjects
• Can import other calendars
• Subscribe to other calendars
• Organises tasks on calendar for the day, week or month.
myHomework student planner –

• Can sync between different devices
• Keep a track of the classes you’ve attended or the ones you are going to attend
• Organise your day easily with keeping a check on your pending tasks
• Assignment due date reminders
2. To-do list apps
It is difficult to remember all the tasks you have to complete throughout your day. It is always very easy to write them down somewhere and keep checking them when you complete those tasks. To-do list is a very efficient and proven method to increase productivity as it trains your mind to complete those tasks, as opposed to just remembering them and keeping them pending for some other day. Writing your daily to-do list is the best way to start your day.
• Organise your tasks quickly
• Prioritize your tasks
• Get notifications for pending tasks
• Delegate your tasks to others to share your workload
• Get rewards when you complete your tasks
• Productivity visualizations to track your progress
• You can access your calendar and set your tasks
• Sync with Google Calendar
• Set a reminder along with a location
• Works with Siri and Alexa
• Sync with all your devices, with many other features such as differentiate and prioritize your tasks according to colors
3. Note-taking apps
You take many notes during your lectures. Some times you have to send them to your classmates or you have to borrow from them. In times when you use your phone 90% of your day, why stick to the traditional pen-and-paper method? These note-taking apps will not only help you keep your notes safely but also organise them according to your subjects. You can prioritize them, bookmark them. You can study from these when you are on the go, travelling on your way from home to college or back.
• Manage projects, deadlines
• Share your notes with classmates and discuss important points
• Add attachments, pages
• Search for important articles related to your topics
• Organise your notes according to classes, dates, subjects and other preferences
One note

• Can manage your to-do list
• Works like a digital notebook, creates a library
• Highlight important points, ink annotations for last minute revisions
• Record audio notes, add videos from streaming platforms, add other files
4. Anti-distraction apps
The biggest problem students face is the lack of attention and focus while studying. Social media apps and video streaming platforms are some of the main reasons for this problem. This love-hate relationship with your phone could be a loss for you, only if you turn it around to be your biggest gain. Make smart decisions and download these anti-distraction apps to temporarily block the apps you think would waste your time the most. This is another way to study productively without distractions.

• You need to update your daily schedule
• You have to select the apps you want to block
• You can block websites, apps
• Sync this app across other devices

• Identifies patterns, if a person is calling you several times in a row, it is an emergency
• Blocks apps, calls, texts, emails
• Activity log to help you catch up with everything you missed
• Provides you with details of the time you spend on each app
5. Memory, vocabulary booster apps
We often face a hard time remembering the important points while writing an exam. We wished we had revised before the exam. We wished we had prepared more. Well, these apps will help you remember the most important points at the last minute. Not just that, the vocabulary apps will improve your language, grammar and can be your saviour during last-minute doubts. Report writing, formal letter writing, create project synopsis, avoiding plagiarisms are all important aspects of an official assignment or project submissions and these apps can help you.
• Detects basic grammar errors and punctuation errors
• Checks for spelling errors
• It checks for intentional and unintentional plagiarisms
• Gives tips on writing style
• Rates the quality of your content

• Flashcards to help remember important points at last moments
• Helps in memorization, visualization
• Creates study sets or you can generate sets
• Text-to-speech feature
• Language localization