Some things are better on Windows than they are on Mac OS. The following reasons should convince you not to switch:
1. Windows Has More Viruses And Spyware
- Windows is more prone to viruses, spyware, and malware.
- Macs are less likely to get viruses or other types of malware than PCs, but there’s no doubt they’re still susceptible.
- For example, the recent WannaCry ransomware attack affected Apple computers and Windows machines—even though the malicious software was for Linux machines (not Apple).
- It suggests that viruses could lurk in any operating system regardless of its platform.
- You can have a nasty surprise later if you need to be more careful about what you install on your computer or mobile device.
2. Windows Could Be More User-Friendly
- Windows could be more user-friendly.
- Macs are intuitive, but Windows has more menus and options to navigate than macOS. For example:
- On macOS, you can click on an app or file icon in the Finder to launch it; in Windows, you have to click on a button or choose an option from a menu.
- In macOS, when you want to move files or folders around your file system (such as dragging them onto another folder), there’s no need for any complex commands; all you do is drag and drop them where you want them!
- But with Windows 10 File Explorer (the default file manager), there need more steps involved before they can easily–and even then, they may only work if they’re synced with iCloud Drive first!
3. Macs Have Better Support
Macs have better support.
One of the biggest reasons to stay with a Mac is that it will be more likely to receive updates and new features from Apple, which makes it easier for you to use your computer as long as it’s working correctly. On the other hand, Windows users need to be aware of what kinds of updates might be available for their OS and whether or not they have any bugs that need fixing. The same goes for hardware problems: if something goes wrong with your computer or its components (like an internal hard drive), then most likely, there won’t be any support available. You’ll need either pay for outsourced services or try fixing things yourself using online resources such as YouTube videos or forums. Where people share their experiences trying out different solutions before deciding which ones work best for them or else give up altogether!
4. Macs Are Easier To Upgrade
- The Hard Drive is a standard system part, and it’s easy to upgrade. If you want to change your computer’s Hard Drive, you can do so without buying a new computer or even taking it out of the box. It makes upgrading easier than on Windows machines—you don’t have to worry about damaging anything inside your laptop by removing its internal components or trying something that could go wrong with them (like using tools designed specifically for notebooks).
- The RAM slot is also easy-to-access, allowing users who need more storage space but want another device attached (such as an external hard drive) with another device sitting around their desk. At the same time, they work on other things at home.
- Another advantage of this design feature is that there are two ways for users who want more memory: by upgrading their existing RAM modules or buying more ones from Apple itself; either way works fine!
5. Mac Notebooks Are Lighter Than Windows Notebooks
- The weight of a notebook is a crucial aspect to consider when comparing notebooks. Mac notebooks are lighter than Windows notebooks.
- It can be because Apple uses aluminum as its primary material for making its computers, while Microsoft uses plastic in its laptops. Another factor contributing to this difference is that Apple doesn’t use any unnecessary features in its products, which means you get what you pay for and nothing less!
6. Stability Issues
- One of the biggest reasons to stay with Mac OS is stability. While Windows has a reputation for being less stable than other operating systems, there are many instances where it can be just as smooth or even more so than its rival.
- However, you’re looking at buying a new computer. In that case, consider switching over to Windows because of its ability to run multiple programs simultaneously and open multiple windows on your screen simultaneously. It means that when you have more than one browser open and an email client running alongside them, it will not crash all three programs together in one go as Mac OS does.
- Windows 7 64-bit has proven itself time after time as being far more stable than Vista 64-bit despite having fewer resources available within its memory space (RAM) due to its smaller size.
7. Section
- Windows is more vulnerable to viruses and spyware than Mac OS.
- Windows has been the target of many viruses over the years, so you must be extra careful about installing software on your computer. For example, suppose you want to install an antivirus program on a Mac. In that case, it will be much easier than doing so with Windows because there are fewer security issues with Apple computers (compared to Windows).
- One of my biggest gripes about switching from Mac OS X to Windows is that the operating system could be more intuitive and straightforward to use than its counterpart on Apple products. For example, when I try using Spotlight or other search features found on both platforms, they could work better than what we’ve become accustomed to seeing in macOS applications like Finder or Calendar!
8. No Trackpad Gestures
While the trackpad on a Macbook Pro is excellent, it doesn’t have special functions like swiping or scrolling. That’s because Windows does not support gestures to switch between apps or open the taskbar. At the same time, you can use this feature yourself if you’re willing to learn how most people will only bother with its oddness if it becomes essential (such as when switching between two open windows).
9. No Quick-Look Feature
A quick look is a feature that allows you to preview files without opening them. It’s great for quickly seeing your documents before opening them. Mac OS also has this, but Windows doesn’t have it!
10. Aesthetics Are Ugly As Hell
- The first thing you’ll notice is that the colors are ugly. The interface has to look like Windows 95, and it’s not just because they’re using the same font (Arial) as Microsoft did back in those days — there’s also a lot of grey and beige throughout.
- If you’re coming from Mac OS X or Linux, where everything looks terrific and modern, this is a good reason not to switch over. But if you want something more aesthetically pleasing than what Apple provides with their products—and don’t mind learning some new skills—this could be an advantage!
If you’re thinking of switching to a Mac, think again. It’s easy to see why people want to switch from Windows, but not everyone should. If you are looking for an operating system that will give you the fastest performance possible with minimal crashes and viruses, then Windows 10 is your best bet.