If you’re an Apple Mac user, switching to Windows from OS X may seem radical. But there’s a lot that makes OS X and Windows better than each other. We’ve put together this list of the top 10 reasons why anyone should switch to Windows—and you might find even more reasons on our list!
1. Windows Marketplace
- Windows Marketplace is a digital distribution platform for Windows apps. It’s available for all versions of Windows and compatible with the Windows Store (for buying and downloading from the web) and the desktop/laptop version of Microsoft’s operating system. The marketplace has thousands of free and paid apps, games, music, and more—everything you’d expect from an app store.
- The marketplace is also home to third-party developers who make their creations available through this platform. So that users can download them onto their computers and smartphones or tablets running iOS/Android operating systems using either iTunes or Google Play, respectively.

2. Windows Is Cheaper
When looking at Mac’s price, there are many things to consider. The most obvious is that it costs more than Windows. However, this isn’t always the case—it depends on what kind of computer you buy and how much RAM and storage space it has. For example, if your Mac has 16 GB of RAM and no optical drive (and thus no need for CDs/DVDs), it may be cheaper than buying a Windows machine with similar specs without these extra features! Another example is if your budget is tight but allows room for an external hard drive or backup media devices like an SD card reader or USB hub with portability in mind. Then running macOS can be even less expensive than running Windows 10 Pro (which costs between $200-$450).

3. Superior Games
If you’re a gamer, then switching to Windows is a no-brainer. Mac OS doesn’t have the same gaming capabilities as Windows, and this is something that can be when using the operating system. When it comes to games, there are more options available in Windows than there are on Mac OS.
The graphics quality of games on both systems is different—and not just because of their hardware specifications: some games have better graphics on one platform than another. For example, Minecraft was released for both platforms but later ported over only for Windows systems (though still available for download). Other games like World of Warcraft or StarCraft II were initially developed exclusively for one platform but later released for other platforms, too (such as Linux). In addition, there are also many online multiplayer titles, such as League of Legends or Dota 2, where players compete against each other across multiple servers running simultaneously from around the world!

4. Better Variety
- Windows has a wider variety of apps. If you’re looking for an app that can do something, it will be available in the Windows Store. The Mac OS also has its share of apps and software but doesn’t have as many options as Windows.
- Windows has more games. While there are plenty of good games on both platforms (and Macs have some great exclusive titles), there are some titles that come only on one system or another—and if your favorite game isn’t available for either platform, then that means you’ll need to choose one or the other!
- Windows currently have more hardware support than Mac OS (though Apple seems poised to improve this). Many older models from past generations still don’t work well with newer operating systems—and these may not even be supported by their manufacturers anymore.

5. More Stable
- Windows is more compatible with your hardware and software than Mac OS, especially if you’re upgrading from a previous operating system version.
- The new features that come with each release of Windows offer much better performance and compatibility than what Apple offers on its products (and vice versa).
- You’ll find it easier to get started when switching from a desktop or laptop running macOS Sierra 10.12 or later—and even easier still if you use an older machine that runs one of these versions but not the newest version available at this time!

6. Total Control Over Your Computer
- You can use a keyboard and mouse or even a trackpad. It means you’re in total control of your computer instead of being limited by the operating system.
- You can change the desktop background color to look more like home (or anywhere else).
- You can also customize how Windows looks on the taskbar and Start menu—like changing which icons appear when they open files, folders, or programs. You can even change their colors!

7. Keyboard Shortcuts
- You’ll find that the keyboard shortcuts and commands available on your Mac are similar to those found in Windows, so you’ll have no trouble switching over. The big difference? The Mac keyboard doesn’t have the same number of keys as a standard QWERTY keyboard on Windows.
- However, there’s still plenty that you can do with the shortcut keys available on both platforms—and some of them might surprise even veteran users!

8. Virtual Machine
- It is one of the best reasons to switch to Windows from Mac OS. You can run Windows on any machine, and it will behave just like your native operating system, which means that you can use your apps and files wherever. However, there are certain limitations when running Windows in isolation:
- You’ll need to install drivers for each device before moving forward; this includes audio devices such as speakers or headphones, input devices such as mice and keyboards (but not touchscreens), printers, etc., video cards (at least one), motherboards/CPUs, etc.

9. More Secure
Windows is more secure than OS X. If you’re concerned about your computer, Windows is the way to go. It has a better firewall and a more robust security suite that generally locks down your system.

10. Greater Compatibility
It can be a limiting factor for older computers, as well as for those with less-than-desirable hardware. Windows is more compatible with older devices and software than Mac OS is. It’s also easier to find Windows drivers than with Mac OS.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and will consider moving to Windows when it becomes available as a new option for your computer. As we have seen, there are many benefits of switching from Mac OS X to Windows 10, including the fact that both platforms are more secure and stable than ever before.