In this technological world, our life revolves around electronic devices. We use mobiles, laptops, etc., daily to store our data. A coin has two sides. Likewise, everything has pros and cons. The first negative aspect of technology is less security. Anyone can hack your data. So, it’s necessary to protect your data. Thus, cyber security plays a vital role in our lives. It helps to protect our data which include personal data, industrial data, government data, and many more. Cyber security protects your data from cyber-attacks by strengthening security in many forms. Data theft becomes a significant threat in companies, banks, etc., where data security is crucial. Thus, cyber security plays a significant role. Let’s see the top 10 reasons why cyber security is essential:
1. Everyone Is Susceptible To Cyber Attacks
If You think you don’t run any business or organization. So, you might not be the target of cyber-attacks. Then you’re mistaken. Anyone who is using electronic devices and the internet is susceptible to cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks come in different forms- malware (viruses), scams, unknowingly downloading something, etc. If you were attacked by any of these, your data would be stolen. So, cyber security is necessary for every person’s safety.

2. Increasing Cyber Attacks
As everything became more digitalized, our data storage also became more digitalized. We don’t store data in paper documents nowadays. All information is stored in electronic devices from corporation companies to ordinary people. For every 39 seconds, hackers try to hack electronic devices to stole data. We can see the seriousness of the threat. As cybercrime increases each day, it’s necessary to protect our data.

3. Increasing E-Commerce
We all know the growth of e-commerce. Nowadays, we buy most things online rather than going to a store. Not only the average person, but even business people also do their transactions online. So, their account details, consumer data, their transactions, everything is stored online. Thus, the leakage of this information by cyber-attacks will become a bigger problem. So, cyber security is essential.

4. Usage Of Cloud Storage
Nowadays, we all use technology. And our many personal information is stored in it, like passwords and banking details. All these details are stored in cloud storage. Most companies also keep their information in the cloud. So, they use automation. Attackers use this to their favor. Thus, the safety of our data is at risk, which urges us towards the usage of cyber security.

5. Remedy For Cyber-Attacks Are Costly
Cyber-attacks are increasing day by day. Small businesses are also vulnerable to it. Loss of data, recovery of data, hiring a forensic expert for investigation, renovating everything, fines, etc. These cost the victims very much. Violation of data costs 3.86 to 4.24 million dollars in the US. “Prevention is better than cure” – so, instead of spending so much money after cyber-attacks, preventing cyber-attacks is very important. Because it is cost-effective and protects your information from falling into the wrong hands, this shows the importance of cyber security.

6. Reputation Is At Risk
As every business stores its information and customers’ data through technology, it’s necessary to protect it from cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks in your company break the trust of your customers. Customer trust is crucial in a business. If they came to know that their data is not safe in your company, they will reach out to other companies which provide more protection. Thus, cyber security is more important to keep your brand’s reputation and customer’s trust.

7. Computer Viruses
We all have computers or laptops in our homes. Even if we didn’t, we go to nearby computer centers to do the needful. So, we are all familiar with the term ‘viruses’ in computers or laptops. It is not the virus that affects our bodies; it is the virus that affects our devices. These are the significant threat in a company. These viruses will affect your systems and files. To avoid this, having cyber security is essential and by having many network security devices and educating the employees to identify a scam, doubtful links, etc., they can protect their company against cyber-attacks.

8. Internal Threats
Trusting a computer is more accessible than relying on a human nowadays. You don’t know who can turn their back on their own company. Because of internal threats from employees, partners become a significant problem. Everyone in a company knows about its information. So, anyone can use this information to threaten you. Hence, it’s essential to take necessary measures to avoid this threat.

9. National Security Threat
National security is most important above all. As all data storage is digitalized, storage of a country’s information is not an exception. So, there is a high chance that other countries or terrorists will try to invade your country’s information and know its strengths and weaknesses to take advantage of it. This might harm the country economically, and they can blackmail it by stealing its secrets. Thus, cyber security is vital to safeguard national safety.

10. Dark Web
The dark web is a set of websites that are unidentified websites by search engines. Only specialized web browsers can access it. These kinds of websites are used by those who want to keep their internet activities out of sight. It is known for doing illegal activities like personal information distribution, drug and human trafficking, and many more. Thus, it becomes a perfect place for cybercriminals to threaten whoever they want because their real identity is hidden. Cyber security is the only solution to stop this.