Can we imagine a day without using the internet? A big NO, right? The Internet is connected to our lives that much. It’s a part of information technology. Information technology made many things much easier and more accessible; we can buy a product without even going to a store in our house through E-commerce, and we can attain any information on mobile phones using the internet. Social media has become an excellent platform to pass information quickly and exhibit talents, it created many job opportunities and many more. Information technology uses computers and other electronic equipment to store, process, retrieve and exchange information or data. Let’s see the Top 10 reasons why information technology Is booming. Because of its usefulness in the following:
1. Education
Information technology has become an excellent source of learning. Nowadays, we can learn many things through the internet with phones, and laptops. E-learning became the best platform to learn new things. Not only students, but teachers also learn through it to be up-to-date. Even people who are not attending school or college also learn from it. So, it’s no doubt that in the future, information technology will have a big part in education.

2. Business
Information technology’s most important application is in business. There is no business without the IT sector. It helps in security, communication between workers, decision-making, storage, and many more, making business more effective. Online shopping has become accessible for many people, which laid a foundation for the formation of many companies. Digital marketing becomes more helpful for businesses as it is more reliable and has more reach.

3. Healthcare
Information technology helps in recording the data of patients with more advanced equipment. Also, easy to use and recover those data from the computer. Hence it is more efficient. Many health-related devices also have been created which help many people; for example, people who lost their limbs can do their day-to-day work by placing robotic parts in the place of the disabled limb. And the uses are not limited to this; the list is endless!

4. Increasing Job Opportunities
As information technology becomes the core of our life, many jobs are developing based on it. Data analyst, data engineer, business analyst, entrepreneur, web designer, software engineer, and more. Employment opportunities in IT will increase by 13% by 2030. So, the IT industry offers a safe and secure job. And provide a high salary.

5. Finance
Information technology also laid the foundation for finance. Money transactions, purchasing, and delivery; online became accessible for people and financial institutions. It is also helpful for the finance company to store massive amounts of data. And investment through it has become a big deal nowadays, as various investment plans are developing. Thus, information technology has a significant application in finance.

6. Data Storage
As organizations and businesses need to store a large amount of data, information technology has given a solution to this also. For data storage, like DVDs and CDs, flash drives, hard disks, SD cards, and RAM. As cloud storage stores data in phones, laptops, computers, and servers; it plays an important role in data storage. Storage helps in retaining a large amount of data and retrieving it whenever needed.

7. Security
In every field through technology, data is stored. There is a threat to the security of that data. As we store our data through computers, mobile, laptops, etc., there is a high chance someone can hack their data and information. Thus, information technology security (cyber security) covers security threats. It protects an organization’s network, computer systems, and every digital asset. There are various types of security like Network security (prevent illegal uses from entering your network), Internet security (protect web-based information), Endpoint security (protection at the device level), and Cloud security (protect data stored through the cloud).

8. Communication
Information technology enables faster communication. In ancient times, if we wanted to contact someone, we had to send a letter to them and wait until they wrote back. In between, we don’t know whether they get our message. But now, we can communicate with everyone easily. We can contact a friend or a relative who is on another continent just within a few seconds. Even face-to-face communication without actually being present in the same place has become possible. Within minutes we can see our friends by putting on a video call. All thanks to information technology!

9. Internet Of Things
As I already told internet became a part of our lives. We need the internet for everything today. To message a friend, to shop something online, to see a review of a restaurant, to book tickets online. And also, we can get any information we want through the internet. In short, no facilities we have now would be possible without the internet. The Internet of Things includes many wireless networks and devices connected to the internet that involve the gathering and distribution of data. Smartwatches, security cameras, voice controllers, and smart locks are examples of the internet of things. It is also helpful in business.

10. Innovation
Above we saw various applications of information technology. Information technology is a field that won’t end in the future. Why? Because the most crucial aspect of information technology is innovation. It always ends up creating something new; a field of study or a technical application, or a job opportunity. We can go on like this, and its uses are this much. In this modern era, information technology plays a significant role and will always.