The invention of computers has indeed shaped the world. Today the computers around us are advanced and hi-tech. Have you ever wondered about the revolutionary computers that are responsible for shaping present-day computers? Here, we will help you figure out some of the iconic phases of computers that led to this modern transformation.
1. Apple iMac G3
Apple iMac will surely give you an image of its devices during the late 90s and early 00s. It was fabricated into an egg-shaped design that was cuddly and cool. It featured a 15-inch display, bold styling, CD tray, and circular mouse, and was the first personal computer to support a USB port.

2. BBC Micro
Year- 1981
BCC Micro was renowned for its use in educational institutes in the UK around the late 80s and early 90s. Though it failed to get recognition outside the country, it succeeded in setting a landmark as a PC, a games machine, and a go-to tool for synth-pop bands.

3. Alienware Area-51
Year- 1997
At those times, the PC was considered the supreme authority of hardcore e-games. Alienware Area-51 was the first choice of FPS addicts and enthusiastic gamers because of its unique UFO look. However, it was not that pocket-friendly still was a revolutionary computer in its field.

4. Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Year- 1982
Sinclair ZX Spectrum had become a renowned face in British bedrooms specifically for gaming. It was a rubber-keyed & compact and could run games through a data cassette. However, it was not able to stand against Commodore 64, which was comparatively robust but won the race in terms of popularity.

5. Dell Adamo XPS
Year- 2009
Dell Adamo is seen as a slim and luxurious entity that won hearts with its ultra-portability. It was made to stand out firm against MacBook Air. It features a 9.99 mm thickness, an intel ULV processor, solid-state drive or hard drive, and 4 to 5 hours of battery.

6. Commodore Amiga
Year- 1985
Commodore amiga is primarily seen as a family of PCs launched by Commodore. One of its variants, Commodore Amiga 500, was entitled the most popular computer in western Europe. It features improved graphics and audio that make it stand against its rivals.

7. Samsung Q1
Year- 2006
Samsung Q1 was responsible for a short-lived craze for ultra-mobile PCs. It featured a 7-inch screen, 3 hours of battery life, a large frame, and a 40 GB hard drive. Though it was uncomfortable to hold but was a bit hit.

8. Microsoft Surface
Year- 2008
Microsoft surface is renowned for the successful commercialization of multitouch mainstream. As its name suggests, it was massive as a table and could respond to 52 touches at a time. It was explicitly used at restaurants, shops, etc.

9. Asus Eee PC
Year- 2007
Asus Eee PC is entitled as the first portable Linux-based netbook with reasonable pricing. It featured portability, decent screen resolution, compact size, etc. It was explicitly used for primary tasks such as browsing.

10. Acorn Archimedes
Year- 1987
Acron Archimedes was a massive hit in Britain and served as the best choice for school computer labs. It featured the broadcast of 256 colors and 8-channel sound. It enabled young minds to feel the delights of programming, word processing, and publishing.

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