1. Samsung Modular TV
Today everything is customized and personalized, but have you ever thought that you can customize your television?
Here is the answer Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Has unveiled the future of TV with a concept of modular display of technology. With these modular TV, the multiple screens of different shapes and size can be used independently as well as can be moved together to form a screen that will customize the television according to the individual’s lifestyle and the content they watch. This so seamless that you can’t even see the individual lines while moving together screens altogether.

2. Diet Sensor Scio Food Scanner
This magical gadget scans the chemical coating of the food and drink at hand and reveals its nutritional value. This handy Bluetooth connected modular sensor was introduced by Diet sensor at 2016 International Consumer Electronics. This works well on homogeneous food like cheese, bread etc. Just one click and its corresponding app would help you to track your fat content, carb, and related tips.

3. Samsung Notebook 9
With Samsung acquiring the technological market with the launch of Galaxy Edge 7 and 7s, it has also entered once again in the field of the handheld PCs. Samsung recently launched its Notebook 9 and it has already been the buzz of the week. The laptop is thin and comes with SSD storage which makes the processing speed very faster as compared to the normal computer. To match the scale of Apple Macbook Pro and Macbook Air, it has launched the SSD storage in the laptops. The only negative aspect is the 1080p display which doesn’t make a lasting impression on the users since the laptop with 2K and 4K display will soon be launched.

4. Segway Advanced Personal Robot
With the rise of the 22nd century, the world has witnessed the advanced use of technology taking the form of robots or human-like assistants. Many companies have put an effort in this battle but Segway seems to have won the war already with its new robot who is not a machine who would clean the house or hold garbages but is a combination of personal assistant and transportation medium for the humans.

5. Ehang Passenger Drone
The world has witnessed drones capturing the live feed of the festivals, providing security assistance and even delivering packages but Ehang seems to break the stereotypes to the use of drones, they have planned to launch a drone which could carry people. The idea was revealed at CES 2016 but was not allowed to take passengers for a test drive.

6. Ulo the Owl
The world seems to be dull and boring with the security cameras over us making us feel a bit nostalgic about someone or the other watching us. Breaking the stereotypes of how a CCTV looks like, here is Ulo, the owl, the lovely security camera we would want to bring it home. Its eyes follow our moment and its color can be changed by just using our smartphone and customizing it as we need it, it tends to close its eyelids when the battery start to drain out.

7. Oculus Rift
What better than viewing the 2d into 3d with just a use of the box, yes I am talking about the Oculus Rift which gives a better shape to the virtual reality. Now watching movies on laptop and mobile seems like old school, we entered the age of virtual reality experience hands on, just put your cell phone into the Oculus and wear it and enter into the world of VR and experience its freshness.

8. Raspberry Pi 3
With the success of Raspberry Pi 1 and 2, here comes the Raspberry Pie 3 which comes with a better processing power and has been upgraded with connectivity issues for Wi-Fi. The cheap device can be owned by anybody and is favored by many for various experiments.

9. Modular Phones
The world seems to shift gears in the field of smartphones, with the modular phones entering the market. You need a DSLR just put its module behind a smartphone, need a power bank you have a module for that too. The Motorola Moto Z and LG g5 are already launched with this concept and more companies are already planning to launch their products with the same concept.

10. 3D Printers
It seemed an absurd idea a decade back when we thought of printing out items in 3D, but the technology has made that also a possibility. The 3D printers are able to carve out anything, even one could create another 3D printer using the existing one. The future seems to be bigger and brighter and filled with more innovations.