React.js is one of the most used JavaScript frameworks for software development. Although there are several other react.js frameworks available that provide several additional features such as routing, client-side rendering, and a lot more few developers still use vanilla react.js for their projects. A few famous react.js frameworks are vite.js (one which I use), next.js (one which I am planning to use in my next project), and several others. After the development of your project you have deployed your project for production and finding the right solution for that could be challenging so for that reason I am writing this article. You will see the top 10 services that let you deploy your vanilla react.js application as well as other react.js framework applications for testing and production build.
1. Back4App
The first platform on the list is Back4App. It is a low code backend as a service platform that lets developer and businesses deploy their node applications. This joint lets you deploy fast without configuring servers. So you can focus on coding instead of ops. Their free plan allows 100k API requests per month. Pricing scales as your app grows. Back4App uses Parse Server under the hood. So it’s easy to migrate if you ever need to.

2. Netlify
Netlify makes client-side app deployment like butter. It is an all-in-one workflow that combines continuous integration, deployment, and HTTPS requests all in one place and that is just the beginning. Connect your GitHub repo and it auto builds/deploys on git push. Their FREE plan allows unlimited deploys, SSL, and a global CDN. No muss no fuss. Paid plans add features like form processing, serverless functions, and split testing.

3. Firebase
We all heard about Firebase. It has a list of services such as authentication, cloud storage, real-time storage, big data, analytics, and a lot more. For fast deployments check Firebase Hosting for your React project. It has a free tier for testing low-volume sites. Supports Git-based workflows for CI/CD. Custom domains, SSL certificates, and CDN n’ caching be included too. Firebase scales React apps automatically n’ securely. Integrates tightly with other Firebase services like Real-time Database and Cloud Functions for full projects. The cost depends on the site and traffic. Firebase Analytics helps optimize performance. For smaller apps, Firebase Hosting delivers quality React deployments.

4. Vercel
Vercel started as Zeit Now for real-time React apps. It still kills it for that. Plus it supports static projects too. Vercel has a sweet CLI for deploying from Git. It builds, optimizes, and serves that React app lighting fast. Vercel has smart defaults so you can dip in and deploy ASAP. But you can tweak settings when ya need fine-grain control. If ya need serverless functions Vercel got you covered with Vercel Edge Functions. For JAMstack or static apps check Vercel no doubt.

5. Heroku
Heroku lets developers deploy apps with Git pushes for real. For React apps it has simple setups for Node.js, create-react-app n’, and such. Heroku free tier allows infinite deploys which is clutch for testing. It works nicely with CI tools like Travis CI and GitHub Actions. For reliability, Heroku apps run on dynos and’ are spread across availability zones. Scaling up resources is straightforward but does cost more. Heroku has add-ons for databases, monitoring, and other needs. Overall Heroku is solid for running React in production if you don’t mind some costs.

6. AWS S3
Amazon S3 can host static websites for cheap. It supports automated deployments from GitHub and BitBucket. S3 websites also get CDN caching/acceleration. The downside are lack of custom domains on the free tier. And you gotta configure other AWS services for dynamic features. Overall, S3 is a simple option for low-traffic sites.

7. GitHub Pages
Speaking of simple, GitHub Pages is free hosting for public GitHub repositories. It serves raw HTML/JS so works great for React apps. Set up is as easy as flipping a switch in GitHub repo settings. Custom domains are free too. Being static hosting, advanced features will require separate services. But for MVP test deployments and prototypes, can’t beat this price.

8. AWS Amplify
For real production-level, React apps AWS Amplify is a big baller cloud. It works madly integrated with other AWS services. So if you are already on that AWS tip amplify fits like a glove. Amplify handles the whole deal from hosting to scaling. It sets up Git-based workflows for CI/CD. You get one-click rollbacks too. They have lots of docs/examples tailored for React. Amplify Studio even lets you mock up UIs n’ gen component code. Large-scale React apps with data, auth, APIs, etc. look to AWS Amplify.

9. Render
Render started by Heroku was the people willing to improve cloud hosting. It works mad nicely for modern React apps. Deploy using Git, Docker, or their API. Automatic scaling, custom domains, free SSL, CDN, etc make it production-ready. Render offers 100 free build minutes per month! Integrations with web services like databases and authentication speed up development. For React apps needing backend capabilities check Render for sure. Other than that it can be used for deploying several other types of applications including Python.

10. Surge
Surge is super simple static web publishing from the command line. It’s great for throwing up test/staging versions of React apps. Connect your GitHub repo and push code with their CLI tool. Surge provides custom domains and SSL encryption for free. Limits are 100MB storage and 1GB bandwidth per month on the free tier. For quick prototyping or proof of concepts, Surge is handy.