Over the recent years, the employment in IT companies has taken a steady growth. The requirements of landing a job have been subjected to change continuously. It is not just limited to the IT skills anymore. It’s harder to cope up with so many technological advances emerging on so many fronts. One needs to constantly learn new skills & keep updating themselves. You need to have a stunning resume and CV in order to impress the interviewer. Here is a list of top ten skills which are deemed necessary for IT Jobs to prevent you from lacking expertise in important fields:
1. Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML)
Over the next five years, jobs requiring artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) capabilities will increase by 71%. It will boost productivity and eliminate the need for some particular time-consuming tasks. Working with neural networks and machine learning to produce more flexible and responsive technologies is critical in a wide range of sectors, making programmers and engineers with an AI expertise in high demand.

2. Cyber Security
As of 2022, the talent required to design and engineer cloud platforms and solutions is one of the most in-demand skills. It necessitates the management, identification, and mitigation of potential system risks. To maintain their company’s credibility in the public eye, all organizations must protect their assets, which is where cyber security comes to the rescue. Learning Cyber Security will enhance your chance of landing an IT job.

3. Data Science
The power to discover, analyse, and utilise data from digital sources is defined as data science. Individuals who can make sense of big amounts of information will continue to be in high demand as data accessibility improves. In order to gain mastery in this field you ned to have some domain knowledge to track the data, programming skills and in-dept knowledge of mathematics and statistics. Data Scientists are now in high demand as they can predict the value of a particular product, in some extend, in the years to come.

4. Cloud Computing
The level of talent involved in designing and engineering cloud platforms and solutions is by far the most employable skill on the market. With the rapid shift of businesses from offline to online mode, the cloud segment encountered a rapid growth in turn creating a rapid growth in demand of IT professionals skilled in Cloud Computing. Some of the best-paying cloud computing certificates in the market right now are AWS Certified Solutions Architect, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, and Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect.

5. IOT
Companies must monitor and safeguard their products in light of the growing proliferation of the Internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) coordinates communication among equipment linked to the internet in order to improve both the company’s and the user’s efficiency. The Raspberry Pi and Adrino may be used to comprehend the notion of IoT since it functions as a low-cost web server.

6. UI/UX Design
To produce relevant and easy-to-use digital goods, UI/UX design requires extensive research and a grasp of the target audience. Learning the fundamentals of UI/UX is highly vital. the majority of marketing efforts rely on digital assets like as landing pages, websites, mobile applications, and social media. It’s critical for non-UI/UX designers to keep up with the current UI and UX design trends and be able to communicate their views and ideas to experts in the industry and accelerate their profits.

7. Computer Programming
In this era of modernisation every company demands the knowledge of programming from all its employees. Even the non-technical jobs require the basics understanding of the programming in order to understand the IT project. C, Python, Java, C++ are some of the languages you should be acquainted with in order to secure a job in the IT world. Programming courses are now available everywhere so start preparing from now.

8. Product Management
Product Managers are the driving force of all companies. They are the jack of all trades since they require a thorough knowledge of all the processes involved in order lead the team and yield maximum results. One needs to be an expert in communication, marketing, business analysis, programming and all the other skills. It is a high-paid job as the burdens of the company’s success lies on their shoulder.

9. Video Editing
Videos are not just the source of entertainment but rather a large chunk of it deals with marketing, advertising and sponsorships. They paved the new way for customer engagement with the product. Big brands make use of this technique to emotionally connect the audience with the product and help spread their message. Video editing has evolved into an essential tool in the IT Department.

10. Blockchain
Blockchain is particularly known in the context of the crypto currency Bitcoin. It ensures a smooth and secure transactions since every transaction is made in the public eye. It offers transparency and data can be traced to its origin. The applications of blockchain is a huge spectrum and is one of the skills necessary in the upcoming years with increasing demand of paperless payment.