Top 10 Social Networking Sites for 2010
Social networking sites have existed because millions of people, most especially teenagers, are becoming more interested of meeting other people apart from people whom they have considered as friends.
There are some apparent psychological manifestations in joining or signing up for various social networking websites. One of these is the feeling of joy or happiness to know that through certain social website, a long time friend or someone you’ve just met online is in his or her list of friends.
It is funny though, but the reality exists that people are not just contented with knowing certain friends in their communities and yet, they feel happy about it. Apparently, it makes them feel excited to see whom they’ve already known as well as those whom they’ve just met accidentally online. For any other reason, it is also through social networking sites that people especially the ladies get acquainted with foreigners online.
This is one of the biggest features of most social networking websites that members do get to enjoy. Apart from the chance to see pictures of friends, acquaintances, best friends, relatives, and classmates, among others, social sites provide users several benefits such as the ability to easily send messages easily in just a short period of time. Responses are too quick as well depending on whether or not the target contact is online.
Therefore, social sites can be a good medium of fast and easy communications among members. At this time, communication is not only limited to text messages being sent from one person to another. Members can also share pictures, videos, programs, and applications in the form of files or attachments, which can be sent through Google, Facebook, Friendster as well as with other popular social networking sites.
Users are allowed to create and change profiles from time to time as these websites provide options to enable members to modify their account settings. Options such as “edit friends”, “privacy settings”, etc. give the members opportunities to change their profiles according to their specifications. This is termed as personalization or customization of account profile.
Most social networking sites offer almost the same features like that of Facebook. It will just differ and depend on the design of social sites. Majority of the social sites are user-friendly, which means that it only takes common sense in order to understand the various functionalities of each website.
The more the website is easy and enjoyable to use, the more that it becomes popular to people and gets higher number of registrations or members who want to access the particular social site.
Below are the top 10 social networking sites as of 2010:

According to the eBizMBA, Facebook is the top ranking social site because of the fact that it receives 550,000,000 visits every month. Despite the fact that among all social networking sites, Facebook is one of those that lacks customization but is used by people to create separate accounts for schools, regions, and businesses. Facebook is fun to use because users can put comments, opinions, blogs, and applications.

Following Facebook to number of visits or clicks per month is This site has estimated 90,500,000 visitors as of this month and generates a lot of traffic. However, this site is not really designed for serious bloggers but it has certain advantages such as allowing users to upload applications, share videos, audio, and picture files.

Third in rank is the Twitter that receives 89,800,000 visits every month on the average. This website has gained tremendous popularity despite the fact that this site has just been around for a year. The site’s popularity must be due to the fact that most Hollywood stars and other local artists keep on mentioning the site during interviews and world tours eventually promoting it to potential users.

This site gets an estimated number of monthly visits of 50,000,000 making it 4th among the most visited social networking sites online.

This social site gives the rest of other networking websites a run for their cash as Bebo keeps on gaining popularity in the UK and in the US. Like any other social sites, Bebo enables users to personalize their accounts using the many functionality it offers. Unlike Facebook, friend hunting is a little bit difficult because it usually requires security settings which appear overboard.

Maybe it has come to the point that this site has gotten less appeal to its members that the once giant in the realm of social networking business, Friendster has slowed down a bit at least in terms of the number of visits per month it receives. However, in Asia, it is still one of the most popular websites and currently trying to gain impact in the United States. It gives members several networking features like the ability to customize profile and allows users to establish scores of friends.

Hi5 has, in fact, millions of subscribers and still growing. While most social sites profit from advertisements, Hi5 noticeably does not have any advertisements. This site offers members the chance to customize their profiles and provides security settings as well as related applications.

This is a product of Google that is very popular in India and Brazil but struggling to make it in US. The particular social site is so much like any other social network sites but lacks the ability to be customized. In addition, the site allows users as well to upload applications and share files but can hardly compete with other giant sites.

The PerfSpot is gaining popularity among teenagers as it allows 13 years old to sign up but the best features actually, are the fact that it allows users to customize their profiles and other applications in their accounts.

The last among the list is the Zorpia, one of the newest social networking sites that will soon kick off the ground and smash records that any social sites have failed to achieve. This particular social site is attracting more visitors and very promising to other countries in Europe and Asia. There are a number of big Hollywood stars who are definitely showing off their use of this social site. Soon, this will exceed other popular networking sites online.