- Virtual and Augmented Reality

With Virtual and Augmented Reality, the world seems to encounter a new way of interaction with each other. VR and AR will soon open the gates for the flow of information. It leads to a development of new apps, mobile applications and software’s which will support it. Rooms will soon become live with all the other things, and digital connection is seen.
- Digital Twin

Digital Twin is software based on a physical thing/system. It consists of various sensors that understand, adjusts, improvises and gives you the result; it is called as an artificial intelligence system. It combines a lot of data to give the user an improvised and better form of the input. Soon, this technology will be used by individual, companies and professionals to make the world a better place.
- Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers

Blockchain is a sort of digital ledger system in which the transaction is recorded using hashing and encryption techniques. It provides security and is helpful to trace the transactions. This system tends to change the working model of the organization and try to make it a better and reliable system.
- Conversational System

This system is mainly designed to focus on chat bots controlled voice devices. The mesh through which the humans are connected soon moved from desktops screens to virtual reality. It seems to shorter the boundary between beings, and a greater interaction is observed between the user and the device.
- Intelligent Apps

These Apps makes the human’s life better and faster. VPA’s or virtual personal assistant acts just like a regular assistant the only difference is that it is always with you, at your hand’s reach and doesn’t cost you anything. It guides you, and from keeping you up with your schedule to booking a table for dinner, it handles all your work and helps you lead a healthy life by releasing all your stress.
- AI and Machine Learning

It stands for Artificial Intelligence. AI and Machine Learning are the combination of many learning techniques which includes neutral networks, NLP, etc. These systems adopt the new method and bids farewell to the old algorithm. It is what makes a system smarter and intelligent. AI gives rise to many applications and software. It even increases the possibility of having cars in the future with self-driving and self-decision-making capabilities.
- Intelligent Things

It refers to things in the physical reality going beyond programming to explore the changes due to AI and Applied Machine Learning to deliver life turning technology and interact openly with the surrounding and humans. These things include drones, smartphones, self-controlled vehicles, etc. it is the future of innovation and gives a different picture to Earth.
- Digital Technology Platforms

It is the blocks through which a digital business is put together in today’s scenario. The five keys of establishing a successful digital business are
- Having a system that could handle such huge and enormous information
- Providing a better experience for users
- Internet of Things and its services
- The working environment of business
- Analyzing and handling the business intelligently
- Adaptive Security Architecture

It is all about creating a better and advanced security system that is almost impossible to crack. It is designed not only provide security but also adapts itself for a present as well as future. It prevents our data from being in the hands of hackers and other non-authenticate users.
- Service Architecture

The architecture through which our system is build is also changing with the change in the way our technology is changing. It is more advanced, reliable and composite than what it used to be one decade earlier. The data transfer rate increases with a minimal loss of data during transmission.