Pandemic has changed how we work, with remote work becoming the new normal. Why is remote work creating a buzz lately? Working from anywhere, commonly known as Remote Working, offers a more flexible schedule and improves your productivity and work-life balance. Many organizations now offer the option to work from anywhere to give better flexibility to their employees. There is no doubt that remote work offers the freedom to live where you want, and spend more time with your family and friends. Here is a list of the top 10 tech remote jobs that you should look out for in 2022:
1. Data Analyst
A niche job, which is all about logic, analysis, and actionable references. The modern age of information is demanding a higher number of data analysts. Successful businesses require accuracy and precision to make inferences from the latest data. This is where the data analysts are needed. Data Analysts help analyze and derive insights from vast piles of data for different stakeholders.

2. Financial Advisor
Want to manage your money better? Financial Advisors can give you sound advice on how you can best manage your money. Such a type of advisor gives advice and recommendations for the product or service by analyzing the financial statements of the companies. A successful financial advisor requires professional qualifications, compliance with industry financial standards, and being up to date with the latest financial information.

3. Digital Marketing
Why are digital marketing jobs on the rise? Ad spending on social media will reach $233,137M by 2025, which means the brands are increasingly focusing on getting the attention of the customers on digital platforms. A digital marketer targets the digital media to manage the digital presence of the brands on websites, social media, and targeted advertisements. Digital Marketing also requires an understanding of the behavior of the users, trends in the market, and content writing skills.

4. Product Manager
This job is witnessing one of the fastest growths in the market. As a product manager, you need to develop a product roadmap strategy, launch plan, and marketing strategy to reach out to your audience with the product. You will also be required to collaborate with different teams such as testers, developers, and UI/ UX designers.

5. Web Developer
These developers focus more on the functionality part of the websites. Web developers are in high demand now significantly since retailers have shifted online due to the pandemic. The web developer requires communication and collaboration with the designers, software engineers, and clients. It is good to know the basics of web development, programming, and coding languages for web development.

6. Cloud Solutions Architect
These architects are in demand owing to digital transformation, especially migration to clouds. The cloud solutions architect can work from anywhere to handle the cloud computing strategy, management of the application architecture, and deployment in the cloud environment. A cloud solutions architect must have experience in programming languages, such as Java, PHP, Python, and Ruby on Rails.

7. Cybersecurity Analyst
Cybersecurity is at the forefront of business as many businesses are undergoing cloud transformation due to the pandemic. Who is a cybersecurity analyst? A cybersecurity analyst has a specialty in network and IT infrastructure and should have an understanding of cyberattacks and how cybercriminals behave, including the anticipation and prevention of such attacks.

8. Technical Project Manager
Did you know that there will be more than 50,000 jobs for technical project managers, according to the US Department of labor? A technical project manager is responsible for project costs, scheduling activities, collaborating with the clients and providing the training for the role. A technical project manager requires a computer science or an engineering degree and handles technology projects.

9. Technical Writer
As a technical writer, you will need to gather, develop, and analyze technical insights, instruction manuals, white papers, and other documents covering diverse fields such as technology, sciences, medicine, and engineering. An essential part of a technical writer’s job is to ensure the documentation is concise and suited to the audience’s needs with good writing and communications skills.

10. Salesforce Administrator
Who is a Salesforce Administrator? A Salesforce Administrator manages the administration of the Salesforce application, formulates the Salesforce solutions, automates processes, and provides training to the users. A Salesforce Administrator should have a degree, experience, and a Salesforce certification. Salesforce Administrators work with different stakeholders to define the system’s requirements and customize the platform accordingly.

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