As technology develops, the crime rate is also increasing simultaneously. Many crimes are happening like hacking and stealing personal data. Finding the culprits is a quite challenging thing. The forensic sector is using many tools and technologies to find the culprits. We can track and find the culprits and punish them easily with these gadgets. Here are the top 10 tech terms used in the forensic sector.
1. Facial Reconstruction
If the identity of a person is unknown, facial reconstruction is used. By using anatomy, osteology, artistry and anthropology, the face of a person can be constructed through their skeletal remains. Facial reconstruction has 3 main divisions. They are 2D,3D and superimposition. In 2D we can get a photograph or drawing, while in 3D we can get a sculpture or high-res computer 3D image. This is not only used for culprits but also used for with victims who bodies are very damaged or decomposed, to identify them.

2. Encase
Murder, theft and rape are not the only crimes. There are many crimes happening in this modern world by using software and technologies. Forensic sector has many tech tools to solve such criminal cases. Encase is one of such platforms. It provides a huge support for collecting evidences from nearly 25 various kinds of devices like mobile phones and desktops. This tool also has a many predefined templates which can be used to provide reports.

3. Prodiscover Forensic
Culprits are becoming wiser these days. They delete or hide the files, so that we can’t find them. But we are more intelligent than them. We have special tools for such culprits. It is used to enable the system to locate the data on hard disk of the computer. It keeps your evidence safe and also provides the analyzed results with best quality. You can easily recover the deleted files using this tool. As this tool reach the data only at sector level, no data will be lost.

4. Linux dd
The Linux dd is a tool which comes by default on major versions of Linux like Ubuntu and fedora. This tool has various applications in this forensic field. It is used to create a raw image of a drive and also wipe a drive and several uses. But this is very powerful tool, so it must be handled with care. If we are careless we may have to face devastating effects.

5. The Sleuth Kit + Autopsy
The Sleuth Kit contains a set of command tools using which you can check disk images and also recover lost files. You can also incorporate many new modules and build automated scripts. Now you can easily get the result without manual interruption. This tool also helps to extract information regarding geology and the camera. And also you can identify the shortcuts of documents.

6. Alternative Light Photography
Some psychos in this world love to hurt others. They will hurt the body of others by creating burnt marks and bruises. Some marks may be invisible. Alternative light photography helps to inspect the damages to the body. Here various types of lights are used. Blue light in orange filters is used to find whether the Bruises have occurred under the skin, ultraviolet light is used for enhancing the bruises. The blood is difficult to see in the dark sometimes. But the blood can be easily traced by the infrared photography used here.

7. Fire Technology
There are many places destroyed by fire. The fire may be happened due to natural causes, accidentally or it may be man-made. There are three main components for the occurrence of fire, a sufficient amount of heat energy, oxygen, and fuel source. It is very hard to collect evidence from the crime scene. But the forensic scientists have to find the cause of the fire and also have to conclude whether the fire is man-made or natural. First of all, they will collect samples from the crime scene and heat them by using some special technologies. Then the sample will be analyzed to find the chemical structure. Now they can nearly find the cause of the fire.

8. Immunochromatography
The victim or the culprit may have some diseases in their body. That must be tested before punishing them are doing anything else. Immunochromatography is used to check the disease in the body. All you have to do is drop a sample on the strip. The results will be very quick. HIV and pregnancy tests also use this same method. This technology is also used to observe the presence of fluids in such drugs. There is also an app available to test a saliva sample using this immunochromatography method without laboratories.

9. Biosensors For Analysis Of Fingerprints
Like DNA, fingerprints are also used to find the identity of the suspect or sufferer. But fingerprints may not be perfect and clear. Biosensors are used to find the minute traces of the fluids in the fingerprints which are used to recognize the suspect. Using the fingerprint, we can easily sketchh the details like age, gender, medications, and lifestyle.

10. DNA Sequencing
With the help of trace evidences like hair and skin, we can identify the victim or the culprit by sequence in their DNA. There are four chemical blogs which makes the DNA molecule. DNA profile in has become an important sector in the forensic science. The forensic scientists will sequence short tandem repeat markers shortly known as STR markers, so that they will be able to differentiate the individuals from complex DNA mixtures.

Technology has both good and bad things. We have to take only the good things and omit the bad things. If we do bad things with technology, the same technology will make us get punished.
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