- Google’s 5G Solar-Powered Drones

The solar-powered drone is the next big project that Google is planning. The drone is solar powered and doesn’t harm the environment in any way. The testing of these drones has started this year. These drones provide high-speed internet connection and can reach to remote areas where it is impossible to find net connectivity.
- Facebook Solar Drone

Facebook is experimenting solar drone way before than anyone thought of it. Face book’s drone Aquila successfully tested its first flight with the lone motive of delivering the internet to sparse lands where it is impossible to set up centers for the same reason. The major objective was to design, innovate and deliver the internet from high altitude using flights.
- Solar/Renewable preferred over coal

With the resources depleting at the faster rate than its production, renewable energy like solar power is preferred over coal. 2016 marked the beginning of the new era where the cost of a solar or renewable source of energy fell considerably making it more favorable than coal. Countries like UK, Scotland, India and many other generated the vast amount of energy from solar.
- Progress on extending human life

The scientists and doctors are working on extending human’s life be it the genetically reversing aging or anti-aging techniques. The innovations and research are going on at an alarming rate with the sole motive of extending human’s life; millions of dollars is invested in these startups to make life better and prosperous.
- Success on stem cells

Stems cells are the regenerative element of the body and researchers are being made of these cells to grow human’s organs. The scientists of Japan successfully developed eye’s retina, cornea, and many other parts by just using adult skin as a sample. Another breakthrough incident took place where a paralyzed person showed movements three months after stem cells injected into his body.
- Autonomous/ self-driving cars

2016 marked the commencement of autonomous vehicles where cars were self-driven and did not need to interact with humans for the transport. The online transportation giant, Uber brought Otto, the self-directed truck manufacturing company which made a delivery of 50000 Budweiser cans. Even Tesla Motors announced that by the end of 2017, its car would be capable of driving without humans.
- Flying Cars

The bag of surprises doesn’t end at the autonomous vehicle; it even contains flying cars. Google’s Larry Page personally funded $100 million to a startup which is devoted to the production of flying cars even Uber is not far on this, it has invested in a project known as Uber elevate.
- Artificial Intelligence

AI and Machine Learning are the combination of many learning methods which includes neutral networks, NLP, etc. These systems adopt the new techniques and bids farewell to the old algorithm. It is what makes a system smarter and intelligent. AI gives rise to many applications and software. It even increases the possibility of having cars in the future with self-driving and self-decision-making capabilities.
- Physics

There were a lot of discoveries and achievements in this field. Scientists successfully discovered gravitational waves by carefully observing two black holes. Another discovery of a planet circling the sun is found. The discovery of a similar planet to Earth also opens up the possibility of having a life beyond our independent planet.
- Trip to outer space

Many companies like SpaceX, Planetary Resources, developed rockets capable of taking people as well as satellites into outer space and can be used again and again. Many companies are competing against each other to win the Google Lunar XPRIZE which is about landing a spacecraft on Moon successfully.