Airports are vital in today’s world, connecting millions of people worldwide and help in transporting tons of cargo each day. Everything about airports seems organized, structured and there is one thing no one can deny – they are absolutely beautiful! Yet, what we don’t see are the technologies that make these herculean tasks so simple and convenient for us, so let’s check a few out!
1. Automated Passport Control (APC)
Various kiosks here check the verification number, help in conducting immigration checks which helps massively in saving passenger time, waiting time and reduces tremendous workload on the airport staff.
2. Automated People Movers
These are of extreme importance on big airports like that of The USA and Dubai. In this, shuttles or driverless trains help people travel from one terminal to other quickly, replacing the traditional method of using buses which increased congestion.
3. Robotic Assistance
Airports are extremely big and can be especially scary for passengers who don’t travel much or are not well acquainted with the local language. This is where robots come to help. They can guide passengers to their terminals, be a part of the security patrols and can perform tasks difficult or dangerous for humans.
4. Biometric Identification
It is being incorporated at various airports like The Incheon International Airport, South Korea. It has machine readable passports capable of checking and verifying the passenger’s details rather than the traditional boarding pass. This helps in the seamless travel of passengers and maintains top notch security.
5. Beacon Technology And Mobile Applications
Various mobile apps help in providing personalized data to passengers incase there is a delay in flight timings or change of terminals. Beacon Technology uses the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) helping passengers locate amenities and various services.
6. Baggage Handling And Tracking
Various technologies like sophisticated handling systems, conveyor belts, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) help help in moving luggage from one airport to the required destination. Passengers can keep a track on their luggage real-time using app on their mobile.
7. Smart Security Screening
This uses advanced imaging technologies to detect any threat that a passenger could be carrying themselves or in their luggage, thus compromising the security of everyone around. Tray return systems help in segregating luggage. This increases the efficiency of the airport and is convenient for the passengers too.
8. Remote Air Traffic Control
It is one of the most important system in place for the efficient and safe travel of passengers. Staff at the ATC remotely keep a tab on all the incoming and outgoing flights and attend to all distress calls in case of emergencies. The ATC act as the eyes of all the airplanes.
9. Sustainable Energy Solutions
The integration of sustainable energy sources like solar power which receive maximum sunlight is employed at various airports like that of Cochin, Chennai and Kanyakumari. This tremendously decreases the economic costs of the airports which can be used somewhere else. This is beneficial to the environment as well.
10. Internet Of Things (IoT) Connectivity
The staff and management team of the airport can directly look into matters like asset tracking and infrastructure management without needing them to be present at the site. These tasks can be handled remotely saving time and resources of the people employed.