Do you remember a day when you use the dictionary to find a meaning of a word instead of using google? Have you ever thought about how your lifestyle would be if smartphones don’t exist or how would you spend your day without scrolling to social media? All these things had become normal in our lifestyle, isn’t it? Technology has become a crucial part of our lifestyle and the 21st century brought up a drastic change in technology by bringing various concepts and gadgets that had become new normal for us. And today we are going to discuss the top 10 technologies of the 21st century that had created a great impact
1. Smartphones
Smartphones are one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century. Smartphones have the largest impact on our lifestyle, even though it has become a habit for us. In terms of definition, a smartphone is nothing but just an electronic device that provides a cellular connection and internet. But with the advancement in features and technology, now we can do almost every work on our smartphones whether it is gaming, streaming, or online transactions. Smartphones had made our lives way too easy

2. Blockchain Technology
Again, a greater creation of the 21st century is Blockchain Technology. It is a structure that stores transactional records of the public in several databases in a network that is connected to every peer group. It simply works as a participant inputs a transaction which was then created in the form of a block that represents that transaction and the block is sent to every computer node in the network. Then it is verified and distributed across the network and the transaction is finalized.

3. Mobile Operating System
A smartphone is incomplete without a Mobile operating system. A Mobile Operating System is a software program that allows various gadgets like smartphones, tablets, PCs, etc. to run various programs on it. Some of the famous MOS are Android, IOS, Linux, and Symbian.

4. Social Media
The most common term that you will hear from the people around is social media. Every youth is addicted to social media these days. Social media is a collective term usually used for a network of websites and applications that mainly focuses on content sharing, communication, and collaboration.

5. Cryptocurrency
A cryptocurrency is an encrypted data string that displays a unit currency. It is organized by a peer group using blockchain technology. Units of crypto are usually created by a complicated process known as mining which involves various computer programs to solve complicated mathematical problems that generate coins. Cryptocurrency is something that can make the poor into rich and vice versa. It involves a very high level of risk. Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ripple, Dash, and many more are examples of cryptocurrencies.

6. Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is a highly emerging technology that harnesses various laws of quantum mechanics to solve various complex classical computing problems. In simple terms, it is an area focusing on developing computer technology. Quantum simulations can help us to replace laboratory experiments, reduce the cost of research, and even reduces the human and animal testing for various experiments.

7. Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering involves a process that uses laboratory-based technology to change the DNA makeup of an organism. It is also known as genetic modification. Genetic engineers simply alter, rearrange, eliminate or splice to modify a group of organisms or simply an organism.

8. Online Streaming
Online streaming simply means transmitting audio or video in a continuous flow over a wireless or wired connection. This is one of the finest ways to connect yourself to the world. With the help of online streaming, you are able to express yourself or your talent in front of whole world just by sitting at home with a proper connection.

9. Small Satellites
A small satellite is a miniature version of a satellite. It has low mass and size, they usually weigh less than 1200kg. Small satellites are usually made to reduce the large economic cost and the cost associated with construction. These satellites are used for a variety of purposes like earth and space observation, IoT and communication, Science and Environment, and Asset Tracking. YOUTHSAT and MicroSat are some of the small satellites.

10. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is an ability of a computer to perform various task that was usually performed by humans with the help of the programs given to the computer or robot. AI is one of the best technology that the 21st century provide to us and it is still under development. It has still many doors to open. Imagine a world were most of the tasks are performed by robots and all this will be possible only with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

These are some of the finest technologies that the 21st century had provided to us, there are a lot more that create a great impact. If you like the above technologies and want to tell some more of them, then do let us know on DISQUS.