Do you remember the era when we used to beg our parents for their mobile phones just to play that sudoku game or to write just numbers on the dial pad, it feels so amazing right?
Now think of our present generation where kids have millions of options to a play variety of games. Have you ever thought about how things change tremendously within a decade? What makes the new generation so smart? or How the life of an individual becomes easy in the last few years?
The answer to all your questions lies within a famous quote by Albert Einstein,
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”.
Yes, with the advancement in technology, our lives have been changing regularly. And with the latest technology coming up on daily basis, we will see a tremendous change in the next 50 years and today we are going to discuss the top 10 technologies that will have a great impact on our lives in the next few years
1. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
One of the most common terms that you will listen to in the technology world. Artificial intelligence is nothing but in simple terms the ability of a computer or a robot to perform a task that is usually done by humans. But the question arises of how it will change the world? The combination of A.I. and humans will lead this world to a more comfortable and easy life for an individual. Whatever you could think will be done with the help of A.I. and even it will create a wide variety of jobs and it has been estimated that A.I. will be the most successful sector in upcoming days.

2. Extended Reality (XR)
Common term among gamers but not so common for a common man. But do you know Extended Reality will be the best advancement in technology that you will see in the next few decades? XR is a combination of human and computer-generated graphics interaction, which is in reality as well as in virtual mode. Some experts in this field have predicted that XR will be used in argument education as well as people with disabilities will also enjoy things that they generally don’t do. XR has a tremendous application that will shape this world into a better place.

3. Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is a branch of engineering devoted to designing, producing, and using structures, devices, and systems by manipulating atoms and molecules (basically in nanometers). Nanotechnology can transform an individual’s life. We start using cheap solar plastics, which makes solar energy widely available. Nanoparticles can clean up toxic spills, as well as air pollutants. Therefore, it will help in improving the climatic condition of this world.

4. Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing is that technology that gives users access to storage, files, software, and servers through internet-connected devices. Cloud Computing will provide this world with a digitally safe and operated world. Through effective operations, the cloud will be able to ease the way humans communicate and exchange their information, and collect data.

5. Space Vacation
You probably went to U.S., Italy, or Spain for your vacation, but have ever thought of spending your vacations in space. Yes, you have rightly read, that spending vacations in space will be possible in the next few decades. Space Tourism is nothing but human space travel for recreational purposes. There are various types of space tourism, including orbital, suborbital, or lunar space tourism.

6. Advanced Robotics
With the advancement in machine learning and computing, the robotics industry is expected to grow in the next few decades. Now it will be possible to do things faster and in the most efficient way with the help of robots. Robots will be our future and with time they will become normal just like a smartphone in our present life.

The Internet of things defines the network of physical objects or things that are embedded with software, sensors, or other technology. Some applications of IoT that will help in the future are smart homes and electronic gadgets, animal farming and agriculture, smart cars, smart cities, and many more.

8. Self-Driving Cars
Self-driving cars or generally known as autonomous vehicles are not a new concept. It is on the verge for the last few years. But it is yet too far from its destination because limited companies have proposed models which work on this concept. This concept not only provides a pollution-free environment because vehicles are among those major cause that produces pollution but also reduces the chances of accident and over speeding.

9. Brain Computer Interface
A Brain-Computer Interface is a computer-based interface that transfers brain signals and analyzes them and converts them into a command that is relayed to an output device to carry out a particular action. This technology is very useful for a person with disabilities. It helps them to translate their brain signals into action and it will become easier for them to communicate with the rest of the world.

10. 3D-Printing
One of the most prominent technologies that will see in the upcoming days. It is a method of creating three-dimensional objects layer by layer using a computer-created design. In 3D printing, you cut from a larger block of material. As a result, there will be less wastage of material.
These are some of the finest technologies you will see in the upcoming time and the world will go to change tremendously in the next few decades.