Smartphones became the inseparable parts of our life. We are getting addicted day by day. Smart phones are glued in our hands. We won’t keep our phone aside even while we are eating. Some people even use that smartphone in bathroom. So there are high possibilities that your phone may fall in water. Water will damage the phone. If your phone falls in water, don’t get panic just follow these top 10 things and make your phone safe.
10. Fix My Speakers
There is an easy way to exact water from your speaker. Just search for 6 of my speaker in the search bar. And click the first website. There you will see a small emoji of water with air. Click on it. Now your speaker will produce long beep sounds. Now the water is removed completely. Try this simple trick instead of going to the mobile operator.

9. Second Hand
If all these methods fails to make your phone work properly you have some other options. Apple company accepts what a damaged mobile phones for its trade-in program. You may get money in return. Some shops also accept these phones and try to repair them and then send it as second-hand mobile. So you can exchange your water-damaged mobile for a new one.

8. Precautions
Please don’t take your mobile phone to bathroom. Because it may sleep and feel into the water accidentally. Try to Avoid it. Try to buy waterproof smartphones, so that even if your phone is in water for a long time damages will be less. Use mobile cases and covers which can safeguard your phone.

7. Hair Dryer
You may think that we use hair dryer to remove the water from your hair and make it dry, so why don’t we use the hardware to dry the smartphone? Please don’t do that. Because the heat from a hair dryer is very hot, which can damage the fragile electronic components of your smartphone. And also please don’t keep your phone near oven or inside a oven or on a radiator.

6. Wait Sometime
Leave the phone buried in the rice for 1-2 days. Let it be undisturbed. Don’t try to take the phone out to check whether it is working or not. If you want your phone back without any damage, you have to wait patiently for sometime. If your phone doesn’t have severe damage, it will start perfectly.

5. Use Uncooked Rice
This one is a very popular technique to take care of your phone when it is fell in water. Just take and are tight container or zip lock bag and fill it with uncooked rice. Now bury your smartphone and close the air tight container tightly and keep it aside in a dry place. Instead of rice you can also use silica gel packs and oatmeal.

4. Shake It Well
Shake your phone well so that the water can be removed from the charging pole and earphone jack easily. After this use a cotton cloth or a toilet paper we just clean to wipe the exterior area of your smartphone. Do these things relaxed. If you get tensed or panic you may not be able to do these things properly which may affect your smart phone further.

3. Remove Everything
When you switched off your phone, slowly remove everything like phone case, memory card, sim card and battery. Now, wipe them with a clean cotton cloth to remove water. Don’t use any other kind of clothes. Don’t put them back immediately after wipping them. First make sure that you have removed in the water completely. Try our other ways to make that.

2. Switch Off The Phone
If your phone was turned on when it fell in water, it is highly suggested to switch off your phone immediately after taking it out. This action prevents short circuits from damaging the internal parts of a smartphone. So after taking your smartphone from water, never leave it on, just switch off it as soon as you can.

1. Take It Out
If your phone falls in water try to take it out as soon as possible. Because some of the smartphones have special waterproof coatings, which can dresses to the damage for few minutes. If you are lucky those coating scan to tag your phone from the water if you take it quickly. Try to be relaxed. Don’t get panic there are a lot of ways to protect your phone from damage.