- Manage Flitter

Manage Flitter makes one’s profile more interactive and also intelligent. Some of the features that it includes are Power post which helps you to boost about your tweet, it schedules time in which your tweet gets online, and this helps us to get maximum number of visibility. One can also unfollow the Twitter users who deactivated their account.
- Storm It

Twitter doesn’t allow you to write more than 140 characters but what if you want to write more than that, Storm It works for you in the best way just write the tweet as long as possible, and it shares your tweet as a single one without requiring to minimize the number of characters.
- Social Oomph

Social Oomph provides you some of the important tools that many Twitter users don’t even know about; it helps you manage your account more successfully. Some of its features are it sends the direct message to your new follower; it starts to follow the users who have recently on track to follow you and also delete all the DM for deactivated users.
- Audience

Audience serves you some of the best features of it. It tells you about the correct time to tweet so that more no of users see your update; it also finds some of the Twitter users that one should follow. It is like a personal assistant for you.
- Tweroid

It helps you to keep a log of the time when most of the users remain online; it helps you to know when you should tweet so that most of the people get to know about the tweet and respond accordingly. One can also use data from the app so that it can schedule the tweet at the right time.
- Hoot suite

Hoot Suite is a perfect way to manage all your social networking software be it Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. It acts like a personal assistant and guides you the way through which you can improve your account and attract some viewers and followers.
- Tweepi

Tweepi filters the number of inactive users that recently deactivated their account; this helps to keep your story, helps you to follow new users with whom you share common interests and keep you updated about different items regarding your views and likes.
- Tweet Chat

Tweet Chat allows you to directly keep in touch with other users and communicate with them through personal chat boxes instead of directly messaging them or retweeting on their timeline. It is a very useful feature which keeps your information and converse privately. Now, one can directly interact with the user without any difficulty.
- Commun it

It schedules time in which your tweet will uploads, and this helps us to a maximum number of visibilities. One can also unfollow the Twitter users who deactivated their account. It automates your profile so that you can see a maximum number of hits on your profile and tweets.
- Twibes

Twibes helps you to connect with people with similar interest as of you. It gives you a list of choices of people that you should connect to so that you can have a better list of followers. It also asks you to join various groups so that you can get better and good connection with all the right people.