Technology is flourishing on a marginal level every day. And every step it takes on the verge of flourishment is bringing advancement on one end and comfort and ease to the people on the other. Following are a list of the upcoming technologies that are going to make our daily lives to appear as a cakewalk. With these forthcoming concepts into execution in our daily routine, simplicity and efficiency is very much at reach.
1) 3D printing

3D printing is the process of generating an output in the scales of three-dimensional factors, under the control of a computer. This is achieved via a layered approach, i.e., the output of the current layer gets merged over the previous layer output.
It has a wide range of applications, ranging from medical sectors, where one can use the three-dimensional outcome of a body part, say a hip bone portion, and can have an accurate analysis to arrive at what implantation or surgical procedures one must carry out further, to jewellery zones, where one can have a study and knowledge of disciplines such as polishing and forging, etc.

2) Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Over the past few years, various movies ranging from Star Wars to Ex Machina, have shown what the concept of Artificial Intelligence can do in real life scenarios. If machines are given the features of applying intelligence, AI comes into picture. This is one of the budding fields currently and is sure to have a large impact in the real-time applications.
With AI, one can have machines to substitute one’s presence to perform a specific task. Once Artificial intelligence is into reality, people need not worry about managing multiple works as then, one would have a huge substitutional force to carry one’s requisites.

3) Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality has become an instant hit in the technology market, thanks to its application in gaming sectors. Surely, the feel of having the killer standing beside you rather than within a 10×18 screen of gadget enhances the factor of a real-time experience and sounds incredible. With VRinto play, gamers can achieve an environment bringing in the panoramic view of 360 degree.

The process of VR is carried out using a headset configured to suit the necessities of virtual reality, and one knows it colloquially as the VR headset. Virtual Reality is not only applicable to gaming sectors, but also in other casual fields like watching movies, handling video conferencing sessions, and managing office suites within certain swipes. Oculus Rift, developed under Microsoft, is a perfect example of an equipment supporting VR.

4) Augmented Reality

Augmented reality shares its origin with virtual reality, as it came into existence when techies were thinking of enhancing the applicational ranges of virtual reality. While virtual reality is restricted to a two-dimensional output, augmented reality produces a three-dimensional output. This is achieved via mapping the 2D output of a virtual reality, to coordinates in the real world.

It brings the world embodied under digital constraints to come out of it and get sketched up under real world boundaries. This gives an illusion of the outcome to be present right before our eyes. Since last year, many firms have started investing in the field of augmented reality. Hololens, currently an ongoing project under Microsoft’s supervision, carries its functioning over augmented reality concepts.

5) Internet of Things

You have dropped in to your friends’ house and suddenly you get struck with the fact that you have failed to switch off the lights in the living room of your house. In turn,if you could switch on your mobile and switch off the light at your home via a single key press from your mobile, sounds fantastic right? This is the concept behind IoT. In Internet of Things, one device can control another device, without any requirement of a human’s involvement to facilitate the processing.

This is the zone which grows tremendously over the past 5 years and is bound to enlarge enormously in the upcoming times. IoT shares its roots from the embedded systems and is, infact, a high-end application of embedded systems. With wireless technology into the mainframe in the recent times, a lot of improvisational scope is available over this zone in the forthcoming years.

6) Wearable technologies

Developments in the technological aspects happened step by step, instead of a transience. People started with sensor developments, and there came a moment where mere placement of an integrated chip over a surface, could reveal all characteristics of the surface. And thus, the concept of applying sensors to determine human attributes came into limelight.

But wireless sensors were not developed at that time. Thus sensors, then, required the contact with the medium for its functioning. And since then, the concept of wearable technologies started making waves. One could estimate everything, from the location where one currently is to one’s heart rate via this technology. Hence, such sensors came in with various names in market,such as, Fitbit, Jawbone, etc. Now that the wireless sensors have been brought in,wearable technologies have gained a huge scope of configuration.

7) Bitcoin technology

Bitcoin brought in a revolution under the financial technology aspect. It came into existence years back, in 2008. With the income of bitcoin, the concept of banks started to decline. Online transactions were prevalent earlier and the source and destination directly contacted with one another. There was not any intermediate role for a bank to play. This enhanced the transparency of transaction and bitcoin attracted users by its features like the money invested multiplying over a period of time by a specific interest rate.

Although, this technology has had many instances highlighting its unreliability, it continues to be in use on a large scale, thanks to its structure which eliminates the conventional one that banking provided all these years. An Indian equivalent of the bitcoin concept is what we know as Paytm.

8) Cloud based storage

Cloud-based storage is the current successor of this virtual memory concept. Cloud gives an illusion that we have a large amount of storage capacity with us and this helps us to handle huge applications at ease. Say, we want to play a game which needs huge space than what’s available physically in our systems.

Instead of skipping to play that game, we can get the help of cloud which would provide us the required space to play that game without any interruptions. In upcoming times, cloud is focussing not only in providing storage spaces, but also providing services, platforms to run your applications and this is going to turn out to be flourishing so good in the coming times.

9) 5G technology

Currently, 4G is trending among the masses owing to its marginal pace variation. If 4G is considered to be rapid, 5G would be needing a new word to describe its pace.

Reports claim that major firms such as Ericsson, Airtel, etc have tested 5G successfully. And with these reports, a faster technology is on the way for the masses.

10) Big data analytics

Decision making implies a huge scale implementation in all e-commerce arenas. And what more than big data analytics could better guide one in that process? To imply a decision over what product to drop out and what product to continue with, requires lot of analysis over the past statistics and the future predictive capability.

That is what exactly big data analytics does. Big data gets into analysis a huge amount of data, from which one can fetch the past trends and liking of the masses,which inturn would help one to take an effective predictive take of one’s decision. This field is sure to have an enormous want with the decision making process getting complex day by day.

The above cited technologies will surely sound as trendsetters in the forthcoming times with which one can expect one’s living style to be revolutionised drastically and make things convenient for oneself.