If you’re using a computer with a raw socket error 10013, you might wonder what causes it. A problem with your operating system or hardware causes this error. The most common causes of this issue include insufficient RAM, outdated drivers, and corrupt files on the hard drive.
1. Checks For Unresolved Dependencies
You can reboot your computer into Safe Mode to check for any software conflicts that might be causing the error 10013. To do this, follow these steps:
- Log onto Windows as an administrator. You’ll want to click Start, type “MSConfig,” and press Enter on the keyboard. When done typing that command—you’ll see it appear in the search fields at the top of your screen the next time you open up some other windows or tabs on your browser window.
- Click System Configuration from this menu where MSConfig was located before (or keep going through each submenu until you find it), as shown below:

2. Check For Updates Through Microsoft Update Or Google Play Store And Install Them
If you’re using a computer running Windows 10, the raw socket error 10013 may by a recent update. To check for updates through Microsoft Update or Google Play Store and install them:
- Go to Settings > Update & recovery > Check for updates
- Click on the “Check Now” button

3. Try To Run Programs From Trusted Sources To Be Sure There Aren’t Any Fake Updates Installed On Your PC
If you’re having problems with raw socket errors, then it’s essential to ensure that you’re running the latest version of your antivirus software. It will help protect against malware and other threats causing these problems. Try downloading programs from trusted sources rather than unknown ones or malicious websites. It will ensure they haven’t by hackers who might try to trick users into installing malicious software onto their computers to steal personal information or other valuable information such as passwords or credit card numbers.

4. Update Your Network Card Drivers And Device Drivers
If you are using a network card or device driver that is older than the latest version, it can cause raw socket error 10013 in Windows.
- Open Device Manager by clicking on Start Button > Control Panel > System and Security > System (or just search for “Device Manager”).
- Click on View Devices by Class in the left column, then select Network Adapters under the Network Adapters/Ports category.
- If any updates are available for your network adapter or port, click the Update Driver button next to it to install any pending updates.

5. Make Sure That The Computer’s Slots Are Free Of Dust And Debris
You can start by cleaning the computer’s slots. You will see dust and debris inside the space if they are dirty. You should also use a small brush to get rid of any additional dust that may be present in this area so that it does not cause problems later on when trying to fix raw socket error 10013 in Windows 10/8/7 PC and laptops. If you do not want to go through all these steps, then it is best to hire someone who knows how much work needs before fixing this issue properly because without doing so then. They cannot guarantee when they will get back at their customers because they might end up causing more damage than good instead!

6. If You’re Using A Laptop, Use The Charger That Came With The Computer
If you’re using a laptop, use the charger that came with the computer.

7. Check The Computer’s BIOS Settings To See If It Needs Upgrading
You can check the computer’s BIOS settings to see if it needs upgrading. Ensure you have the latest BIOS version, and then check for updates in the BIOS menu. If you still need an updated version, contact your computer manufacturer for instructions on downloading and installing one from their website or support page.

8. Clear The System’s Memory
- In the System window, click on File History and the Clear History button under the Clear System Files section on its right side (if you don’t see this option, check if your computer supports it).
- Select another program causing errors, such as Registry Cleaner or Uninstaller, and double-click on “Run: C:\Program Files (x86) \Ccleaner\CCleaner64.exe /a”.
- Without quotes or quotation marks, 64 is an arbitrary number between 0 to 6 that corresponds with your version of the Windows operating system installed on your computer.
- Now open up Task Manager using the Ctrl+Esc keys combination. While clicking any particular task manager icon will take you directly there without delay!

9. Check For Windows Updates If You’re Using Windows Vista Or 7
Suppose you’re using Windows Vista or 7, that you use Windows Update. It is a free service that automatically checks for and installs updates for your operating system through the Control Panel or by using the Start Menu in Windows Vista and 7. You may have to restart your computer before being able to reaccess this feature.

10. Update Your Antivirus Software
Ensure you have updated your antivirus software on your computer, phone, or tablet. If you notice any problems with this, correct it again. You can also use a reputable antivirus program such as McAfee or AVG AntiVirus Free Edition (both of which are free). Make sure that the latest version of your antivirus software is on your computer, and check if there are updates available so that they will work appropriately with Windows 10/8/7/XP, etc.