Back in the day, we would gather with our buddies, find a cozy spot to sit down and have a blast discussing all our burning questions and doubts. Times when we used to run to the nearest library to read the encyclopedia to understand the world around us. Times when we used to ask our English teachers to write the perfect permission letters. Our way of life has evolved with technology. Now if you want someone to clear your doubts, you go to our AI friend Chatgpt; if you want to understand something, you go to Chatgpt; or if you want to write a perfect letter, you go to, you guessed it right, Chatgpt. As much as Chatgpt has made our lives easier, it has shrunk our ability to think and problem-solve.
1. Chatgpt Has Made Us Lazy
Chatgpt has made us so lazy that we don’t even think of a solution to the issues we face daily. For any problem we encounter, we open the browser, hit the link for Chatgpt, and ask Chatgpt for an answer. We don’t think anymore and act according to our thinking; all this has made us lazy.

2. Chatgpt Has Replaced Jobs
People who love writing as their job have taken a massive hit because of Chatgpt. Chatgpt can produce content in a minute, whereas an average writer would take an hour to find accurate information and write about it. The problem with chatbot-produced content is that the readers cannot connect with the content as much as they do with human-written content. Chatgpt has replaced a lot of content writers and scriptwriters.

3. Chatgpt Has Increased Social Isolation
We now frequently turn to Chatgpt for assistance with issues, which reduces face-to-face interaction in our daily lives. We used to interact with individuals before Chatgpt existed to gain their views on solving our problems. This increased our capacity to think critically and our relationships with others. Chat suppresses social interaction.

4. Chatgpt May Provide Wrong Information
We, as humans, trust machines a lot when it comes to artificial intelligence. We seem to ignore that AI is developed by humans, so we cannot be sure that the information provided by Chatgpt is always accurate and up-to-date.

5. Chatgpt May Raise Privacy Concerns
Sometimes, while interacting with Chatgpt to get accurate answers we might provide personal information. This raises some privacy issues; if our details fall into the wrong hands, it can lead to misuse of personal information.

6. Loss Of Self-Confidence
The ability to come up with spontaneous speeches is one of the skills that school and college students have built into them. Most students are confident about what they say, irrespective of whether it is correct or wrong. Since most students rely on Chatgpt for answers, this has decreased significantly. With Chatgpt’s quick responses, students have stopped using their imagination and creativity to find solutions.

7. Chatgpt May Amplify Negativity
We all prefer talking to humans when we feel low because they can relate to our problems and understand what we are going through. Sometimes a solution isn’t always something we need for a problem; we need reassurance that everything will be fine from a friendly face. Chatgpt’s answers aren’t always positive or reassuring; its replies can sometimes be negative, which may affect the user.

8. Ethical Dilemmas
Many uses of Chatgpt have demonstrated how it promotes racial and gender bias. This is not good for society; promoting racism divides our community. Chatgpt is trained on learning models that are not prepared to eliminate discrimination.

9. Reduced Efforts
When was the last time we stayed up the entire night with a pot filled with tea and our friends on call to figure out answers? Even though finding and understanding specific topics on our own is time-consuming, it improves our problem-solving skills, which are essential in today’s competitive world. Chatgpt has reduced the time for finding answers and hindered the student’s ability to research.

10. Dependence On Chatgpt
Imagine you are reading chemistry with your friend, and he suddenly asks you the chemical formula for benzene. Now what would you do? If the same scenario had occurred three years ago, you would’ve just sat and thought for the answer or started going through your chemistry book to find the benzene chemical formula. But now, we pull up our mobiles and ask Chatgpt for a reply. We have become very dependent on Chatgpt for everything; we rely on Chatgpt to solve every issue. What would happen if you didn’t have an internet connection? How would you find answers without Chatgpt?