We need our smartphone to do every work. We are totally dependent on smartphones. But over usage of smartphones is called phone addiction. If we get addicted to a smartphone, we cannot concentrate on any other things like studies, family, and life. We must learn to use the phone only for good purposes. There are a lot of boons and Bane hidden in the smartphone. So we must take the necessary steps to quit the phone addiction. Here are the top 10 steps which will help you to quit the phone addiction.
10. Spend Time With Others
By going into the world of mobile, you forgot to have beautiful memories with your family. Time once passed cannot be regained. So try to spend valuable time with your friends and family. If you get bored just sit with them and spend your time havingg fun and playing with them. This will also help you to rehavingur stress and depression.

9. Put A Rubber Band
Just put a rubber band on your phone. Now you will have to remove the rubber band every time you use it. so while removing the rubber band ask yourself, Why you are taking the phone? What is the intention? This activity will make you think about the need of using a smartphone. If your reason is not valid try to keep the phone aside.

8. Keep Phone In Bag
If you are going outside, just keep your phone in your bag. Take your phone only if it is necessary. If you are going to your friend’s or relatives’ homes, try to spend time to your ends and sink into their mobiles just to see what is happening in the world. Try to keep your phone in the home itself when you are going out. Take your phone with you only if it is needed.

7. Play Outdoor Games
If you get bored don’t take your phone, try to involve yourself in any other activities. If you have siblings you can play outdoor games with them. You will have a lot of happy memories. You can also play with your neighbors. If you love reading, you can go to the library and read books. You can go to the park and enjoy nature. That is a lot of things to explore in this world.

6. Keep Your Phone Out Of The Bedroom
Try to keep your smartphone in any other room while you sleep or give the smartphone to your parents. If your phone is near you while you sleep, definitely you won’t sleep. You will think that let’s use our phone for 30 minutes and then we can sleep. But you can’t do that you keep on using your phone for the whole night. It will affect your sleep. If you don’t get proper sleep, it not only affects your body but also gives a lot of mental stress.

5. Home Screen
Whenever you see the home screen, you will start scrolling through unwanted apps or apps that make you addict. So try to uninstall those apps. If you can’t do that at least try to remove them from your home screen. Just keep normal and important applications on your home screen like calculator and calendar. These kinds of tips may seem difficult but they will help you to quit the phone addiction and focus on your life.

4. Don’t Charge Near Bed
Don’t try to charge your phone near the bed. If you do that you can’t sleep well. You are whole concentration will be on the smartphone. After charging completely you will start to use the phone. Using the smartphone at nighttime without having proper sleep, will affect your body. Every human needs proper rest.

3. App Time Limits
Some smartphones have the feature of setting time limits to apps. Try to set the limit for a short period. Whenever you reached the time limit it will show a pop-up that you have reached the limit. Don’t try to click the ignore option. Some other phones have a focus mode so that you can concentrate on your work without any interruptions from other apps.

2. Set An Alarm
If you have any work on your smartphone, set an alarm for 15 or 30 minutes. Try to complete the work within the time and keeps the phone aside. Don’t try to lose the alarm or stop the alarm and then use the phone again. If the work will take a long time, set the alarm for 45 minutes. But don’t try to take more than 1 hour. Keeping the alarm and doing the work makes you concentrate only on the particular website or app you are working on, not on the other apps like social media.

1. Set A Schedule
We cannot stop using smartphones suddenly, as we need them for everything. So try to follow some schedules. You can mark a date on your calendar and mark the usage of your phone up to that date. First, try to reduce the usage for one week. And slowly increase the number of days. So you can reduce the usage of phones step by step. This may take a long time but it will work.