The Top 10 Web Hosting Companies
This article is a review and a comprehensive report about the top 10 web hosting companies today. The article is based on the cheapest company which provide excellent services at a price that does not exceed above 10$ per month.

The hostmonster was founded in 2005 and that is when they started in providing hosting to many businesses & personal websites. Their package of internet hosting helps businesses and individuals to have a high-powered services for a good price.
Below are the following supports that Hostmonster offers:
- A reduced monthly fee of $5.95
- Unlimited space and bandwidth
- Unlimited domain hosting
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Free domain name and support international domain names
- Support Add-on, Parked and Sub-domains
- POP3 Email Support
- Large size for file transfer
- Free domain name (*)
- Control Panel (cPanel) Account
- FTP and Shell Access (SSH)
- Support for PHP and Front Page
- Quad core processor Xeon Servers
- 100 MySQL Database
- One-click install for more than 50 scripts
- Hosting support for PHP 5 and MySQL
- Unsubscribe at any time with a refund policy
- And a lot more feature that will surely indulge your longings in creating your very own website.
User reviews about hostmonster:
Most users are very comfortable in using hostmonster as their number 1 web hosting provider. They say, they would surely recommend it to some friends.

Bluehost was founded in 2002 and since then, they have been offering a quality web hosting solutions to businesses and individuals. Their goal is to provide excellent services for the best possible price.
Below are the following supports that Bluehost offers:
- A reduced monthly fee of $5.95
- Unlimited disk storage
- Unlimited domain hosting
- Free domain name (*)
- Support for IMAP E-mail
- Unlimited size for site transfer
- Support Add-on, Parked and Subdomains
- Control Panel (cPanel) Account
- FTP and Secure Shell (SSH) Access
- Support for MySQL Database, CGI Library, Perl 5, Phyton, Ruby (RoR), Javascript Support
- Scripts for Social Networking sites
- Dual Quad Processors Servers
- Free $50 Google Credit
- Fast and excellent technical support
- Scripts ready for electronic commerce
- The company hosts more than 440,000 site
- And many more
User reviews about Bluehost:
The price and the bandwidth speed that the company offers is very agreeable. Although, some users say the service is no good and there is an issue about the downside of the company. In general, most of the users do not recommend bluehost.

Webhostingpad was founded in 2005 by a team of very skillful and proven industry veterans, intent on offering the best value in web hosting.
Below are the following supports that Webhostingpad offers:
- A fee of $4.95 per annum without any additional cost
- Unlimited file storage size
- Unlimited E-mail Accounts
- Unlimited hosting space
- Support POP and IMAP E-mail
- Support MySQL Databases
- Support Parked and Sub-domains
- Server Side Includes
- Extensions of Front Page
- Best Price Value
- Control Panel (cPanel) Account
- $100 free advertising in Google and Yahoo
- And many more including its newest feature, Cloud Linux
User Reviews about Webhostingpad:
Customers are very happy with this company especially with their customer service support that is open 24/7. They are very contented with its high bandwidth speed and they find cPanel very useful. In general, this company is highly recommended to others by the users.

lunarpages was founded in 1998 to provide the most affordable and reliable web hosting. They operate data centers located in California, Arizona and Nevada and a fully optimized call center in Anaheim and Corona California with several satellite locations all throughout the United States. They have 100+ top tier staff members who serve and support the ever-expanding client base (150,000) with friendly professionalism and efficiency.
Below are the following supports that lunarpages offers:
- A fee of $4.95 per annum
- Unlimited file storage size
- Unlimited E-mail Accounts
- Monthly consumption is unlimited
- Hosting an unlimited number of websites
- Distinctive hosting of PHP feature
- Full support for CGI, Front Page and databases
- Unlimited number of sub-domains
- Unique and friendly technical support service
- Control Panel (cPanel) Account
- Free Domain Name
- Support for the latest modern database
- Support POP3/ IMAP/ SMTP E-mail
- Support for PHP, Perl, Phyton, CGI-Bin
- 30-day Money Back Guarantee
- Free Software Bundle worth $700
- $50 Free Advertising Credit
- And many more.
User reviews about Lunarpages:
A highly recommended company by its customers, very good prices, high speed and perfect customer service as they say.

HostGator was founded in 2002 and they have become one of the best providers for VPS, reseller, shared and dedicated web hosting. HostGator was localized in Houston, Texas with their current chairman Brent Oxley which is also the founder of this company.
Below are the following supports that HostGator offers:
- A fee of $4.95 per annum
- Unlimited file storage size
- Trusted by over 7 million domain owners
- Unlimited storage space
- Unlimited monthly bandwidth
- Unlimited domain hosting
- Free domain name
- Unlimited MySQL databases
- Control Panel (cPanel) Account
- Unlimited E-mail Accounts
- Get a %20 discount when you use the word GREEN upon purchasing
- Monthly billing option worth $8.95
- One click scripts installation
- Unlimited sub-domains
- And a lot more
User reviews about HostGator:
HostGator customers are very satisfied with company’s offers. “Rest assured that you will receive more traffic to your website and you will have more customers than you could ever imagine”, according to its users.

The iXwebhosting was founded in 1999. It is one of the most well-known web hosting providers in the world. Since it started, ixwebhosting has upgraded to more than 500,000 websites hosted.
Below are the following supports that iXwebhosting offers:
- A fee of $1.95 per annum
- Unlimited file storage size
- Unlimited disk space
- Unlimited Domain
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Free domain name
- Free site builder
- Total capacity up to 1GB
- Free fixed IP number for the website
- Free advertising from Google and Yahoo worth $480
- Control Panel (cPanel) Account
- And a lot more features and tools that the user expect.
User reviews about iXwebhosting:
Most users do not recommend this company to other users because of a slow speed and bad customer and technical supports. Most websites goes down for long according to the majority users.

The IPOWER was founded in 2005 and has made a big name for itself in the web hosting domain world that offers a comprehensive suite of online services for small and medium sized businesses all over the world. Their custom vDeck control panel offers access to much more than 200 services and tools.
Below are the following supports that IPOWER offers:
- A fee of $3.98
- File storage size up to 1500GB
- 15,000GB of monthly consumption
- Can handle up to 2500 emails
- Free domain name
- Support up to 25 databases
- Support for CGI and PHP
- Monthly Payment Option
- Electronic Commerce Ready
- Free website designer
- Control Panel (cPanel) Account or vDesk 3.0
- Free $50 Google ads
- Distinctive technical support
- Unlimited space and bandwidth
- 30-day money back guarantee
- Simple template for building sites
- And many more
User reviews about IPOWER:
Generally, customers are very satisfied with this company. They are very glad about the unending support, very good price and also with the high speed performance. The majority of the users recommend this to others.

easyCGI was founded in 2001. It is a fairly large hosting company and they have upgraded themselves in providing a word wide support and services. easyCGI is an affordable Windows web hosting service provider that offers the following support:
- A fee of $7.96 per month
- 750GB Disk Space
- Up to 7,500GB monthly data transfer
- Windows hosting 2008/03
- Full support for PHP 5.2.4, MySQL, MS Access
- Full support for ASP.NET 3.0 with AJAX 1.0
- Monthly payment option
- The best company to host Windows servers
- Full support for Windows software and applications
- E-commerce ready
- 30-day money back guarantee
- ASP, PHP4 and PHP5, SSI, Perl
- 24/7 Phone and E-mail support
- And many more
User reviews about easyCGI:
Users do not recommend this company because of their bad customer service experiences and also because of the issue that the company is going down along with its downsides.

PowWeb was founded in 1999 by Andrew Te in California, United States. This hosting company has made a name for itself as a low cost internet hosting provider due to it great customer support and rich hosting features. Through the years, PowWeb has been honored with awards for excellence in web hosting. Today, the company hosts more than 100,000 web domains.
Below are the following supports that PowWeb offers:
- A fee of $3.88 monthly
- Unlimited hosting
- Unlimited Domain hosting
- Unlimited E-mail Accounts
- Special technical support 24/7
- Installation of blogs and forums with one click
- Free domain name
- Support MySQL, PHP, CGI
- Free $150 credits in Google, Yahoo and Facebook
- E-commerce ready
- 30-day money back guarantee
- One-click site builder
- And a lot more
User reviews about PowWeb:
The users do not recommend this company because of its very slow server performance and bad customer support.

Host Rocket:
The HostRocket was founded in 1999 and indeed become a very successful web hosting provider. Their centers are localized in Clifton Park, New York. Ever since it was founded, they always had the goal of providing an outstanding support, availability, technology and value.
Below are the following supports that HostRocket offers:
- A fee of $4.99 per month
- Unlimited E-mail Accounts
- 6-months free upon purchasing a one-year plan
- Unlimited bandwidth
- Unlimited Domains and Sub-domains
- POP3 and IMAP Accounts
- Unlimited databases
- Control Panel (cPanel) Account
- Support for PHP
- Monthly payment system
- And many more
User reviews about HostRocket:
Users recommend this since they are happy with the services the company provides, most especially in terms of speed, pricing and the best technical support.