Top 100 tips and tricks for Microsoft office 2010

- You can take screen shots of any application by the in-built “screen capture tool” in Microsoft Word 2010.
- It has an office web application as a tip.
- It has a screen clipping tool as well.
- It has a feature that allows you to remove the images on the background by making the background transparent.
- It has an outlook feature that shows you your experience. It can tell you if you are out of your quota. It can also show you if you are going to mail beyond your firm.
- Microsoft 2010 has a feature that allows you to have a live preview of copy/paste giving a clue about how different paste patterns will look like.
- It has a feature called spark lines which allows you to put data trend into one data cell.
- Putting a condition image into the Microsoft word is another feature of Microsoft office 2010.
- Another feature of MS office 2010 is that it offers sample corporate social media policy.
- It has a tool that can be used in counting the number of words in a document which is called “word count tool.”
- Office 2010 has a feature that allows you to count the number of words in the footer and headers. It has an auto correct feature that makes writing of documents easy and fast.
- It has a feature that allows you to add the name of the document on the footer or header.
- It has a feature that allows you to update the details in the headers and footers.
- Office 2010 has a mini translator as another of its feature.
- It has a feature that allows you to open files in word using the internet in a protective view.
- Forcing crashed word document to close is another of its feature.
- MS word 2010 allows creation and use of building blocks as reusable document parts.
- Another feature of MS word 2010 is the ability to backup and edit default document template.
- Another feature of MS word 2010 is the ability to make default header and page number.
- It allows you to create default page numbering.
- With MS word 2010, you can delete the normal.dotm and restore the default version.
- MS word 2010 allows you to change the default font so that it can be read well.
- You can change the default layout in MS word 2010.
- It allows you to insert the command for auto format into the quick access toolbar.
- Another feature of MS word 2010 is that it can warn you if you save or print tracked revision file.
- Another feature of MS word 2010 is that you can save or restore macros.
- MS Outlook 2010 has a feature that allows you to use your own sound as a reminder.
- MS Outlook 2010 has a feature that allows you not to mark items as “read” by clicking off them.
- MS Outlook 2010 has a feature that checks the spelling in your email before you send it.
- MS Outlook 2010 allows you to display several calendar months in the right panel.
- With MS outlook 2010, you can disable auto complete of email address.
- Another feature of M outlook 2010 is that you can send message in plain text.
- With MS word 2010, you can enable or disable open type ligatures.
- Another tip is the ability to enhance themes with MS word 2010.
- Protecting documents (downloaded from internet) from spreading virus into the computer is another tip.
- Customization of quick access tool bar is another tip.
- Ribbon buttons that are customizable is another facility.
- Ability of editing documents by more than 1 person using the co-authoring feature is another feature.
- Viewing message as conversion in MS outlook 2010 is another tip.
- Cleanup of folders and conversion is an MS outlook 2010 tip.
- Saving often by using control plus S button is another tip.
- Moving to the top or bottom of the document using the Ctrl plus home or Ctrl plus end buttons is another tip.
- Pressing the Ctrl plus Z button to undo is another tip.
- Opening several menus and using Alt button plus the letter that is underlined to open a menu is another tip.
- Using of shift plus arrow keys to select a collection of texts is another tip.
- Double clicking a word so as to select it is another tip.
- Selecting of a sentence by pressing Ctrl button and click any place on the sentence is another tip.
- Selecting of tables by pressing Alt key and double clicking at any place on the table is another tip.
- Clicking three times on a paragraph so as to select it is another tip.
- Highlighting the text from the insertion point to the end by pressing shift plus end is another tip.
- Selecting the whole document using the Ctrl plus A button is another tip.
- Changing the size of the font is another tip.
- Printing of envelope is another tip.
- Another tip is the ability to expand your vocabulary using the thesaurus.
- Right clicking on a block of text so as to format the text is another tip.
- Making correction to the misspelled word by right clicking it and selecting the correct spelling is another tip.
- Auto completion of text is another tip.
- Use of control plus N button is another tip of opening a new page in MS word.
- Use of control +C button to copy the highlighted text is another tip.
- Pressing of control + v button to paste a text is another tip.
- Pressing of control + B button to make the selected text bold is another tip.
- Pressing of control + I button to make the selected text italic is another tip.
- Another tip is pressing of the control button + the U button to underline the selected text.
- Another tip is selecting of table and clicking the delete button to clear the table.
- Showing of built in style is another tip.
- Another tip is the quick addition in table.
- Choosing your own paragraph format is another tip.
- Clicking of Alt + F9 key to quick toggle field is another tip.
- Adding of border to a page is another tip.
- Double clicking on the left end corner of the status bar so as you can jump a specific page is another tip.
- Viewing of two documents at the same time using “splitsville” is another tip.
- Pressing the control + Y keys to re-undo a change is another tip.
- Pressing of the control + Z to undo a move is another tip.
- Pressing of control + E key to move the selected text to the center is a tip.
- Pressing of control + L button to align the selected text to left is a tip.
- Pressing of control + R button to align the selected text to right is a tip.
- Pressing of control + F6 button to move tone document to another is a tip.
- Pressing of control + shift + F6 button to move back to the original document that was being displayed is a tip.
- Creating a short cut of document to the desktop is another tip.
- Changing the distance functioning tab is another tip.
- Changing of spaces between words is a tip.
- Creating graphics in MS word 2010 is a tip.
- Use of Artistic effect is another tip.
- Making text that spans several pagers to index is a tip.
- Capturing of screenshots is another tip.
- Another tip is breaking a password protected files.
- Customization of quick steps in MS outlook 2010 is another tip.
- Managing of documents using the office backstage is a tip.
- Use of new art effects in MS word art is a tip.
- Customizing toolbars in MS excel 2010 is another tip.
- Activating the excel formula bar with keyboard is another tip.
- Using of equal sign in using the formula in MS excel is another tip.
- Creating spreadsheets of large size using the 64 bit version of MS excel is another tip.
- Use of slicer to view your pivot table is another tip.
- Recording of macro is another tip.
- Opening of dialog box by double clicking chart element is a tip.
- Another tip is creating name set in excel.
- Adding address is a MS outlook 2010 tip.
- Assigning of categories to contacts is a MS outlook 2010 tip.
- Using of smart tags in MS excel to provide special website link is a tip.