In this article, we will be talking about some of those inventions by the Japanese Community that may seem useful to them but odd to others.
1. Full Body Umbrella

I am sure you would never have seen this kind of umbrella ever before. This has two purposes of the umbrella as well as that of the raincoat. People who are allergic to water and scared of it in the rainy season can use it. It provides top to bottom protection from falling water.
2. Ear Enhancer

Those who have hearing have problems of discrete hearing can use this device. Well, there have been very compact devices of this kind but the Japanese invention is worth a mention. It is similar to that of large steel bowls attached to the head like huge headphones facing outward.
3. Portable Ear Explorer

Now, this device seems little useful here for the ones who want to see what happens inside of their ear or what treasure is hidden inside their ears. With this device you can both clean the ear with a thin nozzle also you can visualize it with the help of camera attached to the tip.
4. Mobile Toilet Paper

ONe can not stop laughing after knowing about this device or invention. It is a portable toilet paper carrier. Used for cleaning the nose if you have a running one. On can attach it to his head and use it wherever it may deem necessary. One can carry napkins in the pocket easily but still if something has been invented it hs to be used.
5. Metro Chin Stick

Who in the world would have thought of this invention? If a person feels sleepy in the train or metro or while traveling, he can make use of this device if he is not socially conscious as it looks very awkward to other people. It is a kind of a tripod stand which on top has a wide u shaped bend for supporting the face.
6. Baby Sweeper

The clothes of the baby have a high absorbing material. This seems to useless to me personally when the baby crawls on the ground he cleans the floor side by side.
7. Never ending Bubble Wrap
There is absolutely no one who has not enjoyed bursting the bubbles which we usually get when we purchase some new items. These bubble wraps reimmerse when once popped. The bubble wrap always makes us feel like we are kids and we cannot stop popping them.
8. Eye Drops Funnels

Never miss a drop while pouring it into your eyes. When we are pouring the eye-drops usually two or more drops fall off the face. Two small funnels can be kept just over the eyes with safety and the liquid can be poured which never misses a shot.
9. Extendable arm for taking selfies

Ever found your arms short of reach of the view that you desire. Usually, short people like me face this problem and this invention helps me as well as others to catch up on with this.
10. Silent Karaoke

We all like to sing and also want others to praise us but the harsh reality is when we sing using headphones our voice is as sweet as the melodious singer but when some other person hears the same he is devastated. So this invention helps those people who do not want others to listen to them while singing.
11.Umbrella Tie

This invention is for those who do not want to show others that they carry an umbrella also they are unsure whether it will rain or not. It is a simple device as if you wear coat pants then you can use this as a tie and the handle hides behind the coat and it looks like a normal tie.