The arrival of Windows 10 PC will make your handling and interface with PC easy and convenient. The latest hardware feature of windows 10 will provide wireless computing and enhance battery life. It is also available as free update for Windows 7 and 8 users.
1. USB type C, and 3.1:
It is multifaceted ports that will recharge your laptops and connect PCS to your monitors, pen drives, external storage device, and other peripheral devices. This USB type C port’s will be smaller when compared to bulky long chargers. The amazing thing about this port is that it has two identical connectors on both the ends. With USB 3.1 protocol, the data TRANSFER becomes faster IN PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) at the rate of 10 bits per second which is double than the speed of USB 3.0.

2. Face recognition:
Microsoft aimed to remove the password authentication and Window 10. It has replaced it with face recognition, iris and fingerprints authentication. A laptop equipped with RealSense 3D cameras by Intel uses face recognition to log in the system by the user. The first version of this deep sensing cameras is available on some PCs and laptops. The next iteration will be available in the Windows 10 which will perform a better task of recognizing things, measuring distance and also have selfie features.

3. Sensor:
A standalone feature that makes Window 10 distinct from windows 10 is that user can automatically switch between tablet and PC. This is possible because of a sensor that can detect the position of the laptop. Windows 10 is capable of measuring environmental pressures, temperature and carbon dioxide level, given that it carry necessary related sensor.

4. Better performance:
Microsoft is introducing Windows 10 PC with Intel’s core chips code-named Skylake. The company is trying to ensure that it perfectly fits with PC and works well. This chip will help in boosting graphics and improve battery life of the laptops.

5. Wire free computing:
The new Windows 10 will be free from wire clutter. Intel wanted to make laptop wireless. The company is introducing wireless charging technology that will charge your laptop as simple as placing it on a surface or a table make user free from bulky chargers. Intel wants to charge ubiquitous like Wi-Fi. To make this possible the company is talking to airports, cafes etc., for installation of wireless charging tables and surfaces.

6. Advanced displays:
OLED screens which are mostly used in TV’s, smartphones and tablets will be soon available on Windows PCs. Dell couldn’t combine the OLED screen with the Windows 8 laptops or tablets due to native support lacking for the screen type but suggested that it is possible to combine with Windows 10.

7. Hardware Upgrades:
Windows 10 PC has the ability that the graphic cards can be packed that supports DirectX12, which will improve gaming on the PC. With DirectX12, the battery life of the PC will be improved.
Soon the laptop will be shipped with DDR4 that will enhance the internal transfer of data between memory, processor, and other components.

Hope these seven hardware technologies very useful. You can just use the one that best suits your need.