- Vitro Meat

The current system in which meat is taken is practically impossible to figure out, and the amount of energy used in slaughtering the animals and transportation of their edible parts costs a fortune, so scientists have developed Vitro meat, meat made in the lab. It is the revolution for human society since it kills the old way through which meat is extracted. The process is good and doesn’t slay any animal in the process.
- Powered Exoskeleton

Wheelchairs do support the disabled, but it becomes increasingly difficult for one to get into and out of it alone and makes it difficult for them to perform many tasks including climbing stairs. Here exoskeleton could bring a change and provide a life-changing experience for the people. Currently, these skeletons are expensive, but its price will drop in the future. These are sturdy, reliable and allow the person to have better movement.
- Brain-controlled computers

Finally, our sci-fi movies seem to take the shape of reality; we will soon be witnessing brain-controlled computers yes that’s true, we can finally control our smartphones, TV’s, etc. through our brain. Imagine one could easily play ping-pong by just making the decision from our mind, all one needs to do it make the decision, and the actions is traced by the device connected to your neural networks.
- High-Speed Transportation

High-speed transfer means shortening the time of the journey between two distant locations. It is possible by the hyperloop or ETT (Evacuated Tube Transport). The former seems to be impossible for the current period but the latter one is achievable. ETT fits people into a long tube like structure and shoots them to their destination; this sort of transportation is frictionless, fuel efficient and saves time.
- Genome Editing

Some disease is due to defective and damaged genes, scientists and researchers are initiating for repairing these genes so that they could prevent these diseases. They are planning to edit that genome for the betterment of human race. It is very different from genome modification since it only focuses on repairing of the defective genome.
- Solar Power

We are running out of resources, and solar seems to be the only solution to meet the energy requirements of the human race. Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of energy and is difficult to be totally exhausted. Many devices use solar as a driving fuel to produce energy. Some of the examples are solar heaters, Solar Fans, etc.
- Desalination

Desalination is the process by which salt water is changed to consumable water. The process is very expensive and requires a large plant to be set for the same. Since we are running out of fresh water, it seems to be the only solution. In the former years, after conversion brine left as a residue which consisted of minerals and metals but was considered waste. With new and improved technology brine is processed and metal is extracted from it.
- Tricorder

It is a device which scans a human body and checks its vitals to check if the patient is suffering from any disease or not. This device monitors patient’s blood pressure, heart beat, sugar, etc. to give a proper picture of the person’s body. This sci-fi instrument could soon be real and will definitely help doctors to understand a person’s condition better.
- Agricultural Drones

Drones are the future of development and application of them in the agricultural sector would surely help to increase productivity and longevity. It is hard for a farmer to monitor the fields while staying on the ground, drones seems to take that problem away since farmers can easily check the lands while the drones activate their auto-pilot and camera mode ON.
- Large Scale Electricity Storage

Generating electricity is not a bigger problem, storing them is, it is not easy to store a large amount of power. Windmills produce the high amount of energy during the first half but the amount varies during evening and night, so to accumulate the energy is a bigger task right now. Graphene Supercapacitors can store and dissipate a big amount of energy and are cheaper than traditional methods used for storing energy.