1. Next generation text relay

Deaf people need to suffer a lot since it becomes difficult for them to communicate without any display means which makes the one at the other end impossible to decipher what they are trying to express, so instead of modern day technologies which include Skype, Video Calling, and various other options, researchers come up with Next generation text relay app that allows people to easily communicate with each other, now they can with no trouble call which is cheap and almost everyone can afford it.
2. Motion Savvy

With difficulty for deaf people in interpretation, scientists constantly try to invent a breakthrough technology that will benefit them; Motion Savvy is one of them, in this the people can draw gestures of what they want to speak, and the motion board understands it with the predefined programs present in it and converts them into text. It is an exceptionally superior technology and is an excellent progress towards the future.
3. Phonak Roger Pen

The device that replaces all the radio and FM devices, it is very trouble-free and handy it connects the microphones with the in the earphones and helps you know what is happening around you and what others are trying to say. It minimizes all the background sounds and looks exactly like a pen so that one can carry it anywhere anytime.
4. Convo Light app

The app that syncs with the lighting pattern of your house, it is the very useful app and does good work. Since deaf people won’t know about any message or call that comes to their phone so to solve this problem Convo app changes the color of the house to different one whenever a new message or call is received which helps them to find that some new message or call is coming in their phones? A very new and fresh style of notifying alerts to a person.
5. Google Glass

The most promising project that Google Inc started and is taking shape and is soon entering the real world. It is already advancing with its technology, the speech to text is flawless and understands every existing human language of all accent without any problem, and now they are working on the text to the speech where people who aren’t able to speak will just need to write stuff which transforms to verbal communication. It can be later connected with Motion Savvy so that people just need to use the sign language which first gets converted to text and Google glasses can shortly convert the text produced to speech, making almost everything possible. So, the deaf won’t be deaf anymore.