Technology is growing at an exponential rate and here are some of the best tech developments over the past year that will truly amaze you.

1. Moff Band
Well, as much as technology has offered us, it is still disliked by our parents on some scale. The complaint that technology is the reason why kids avoid physical activities is now being acknowledged. Moff Band lets children play Pac-Man through an app by swinging their arms involving physical activity. It’s a simple to use, high-tech technology. Parents have one less reason to dislike tech now!
2. Recyclable Rockets
Rockets always get destroyed while landing but the geniuses have figured out to avoid this phenomenon as well. Two tech geek scientists made a rocket land and now with more researches, rockets will be seen landing safely which will be refueled and send for another flight.

3. LudusScope
Smartphones are making microbiology fascinating for kids. A 3-D printing technique helps to connect our smartphones to a small microscope. Children can explore and experiment microbes by just tapping at their Smartphone’s screen and can even influence their swimming direction. Biology isn’t too hectic it seems.

4. Jewel Bots
Who says fashion hasn’t made its ways in tech? Friendship bands have been in fashion over the past few decades now. The new technology of Jewel Bots is a friendship band that also changes color according to the clothes you wear. It’s a fashionable interactive tool which also explores educational domain for kids and teaches them how to code striding from basic techniques.

5. Real life Transformer
What else could be more awesome? A Turkish company has developed a fully functional real life transformer from a BMW car. It can drive and transform exactly like you have seen it in movies. The masterpiece is not yet available for sale but will be after some more advancement.

6. Communication of robots
What if robots communicate and make each other understand things? The programming aims at making robots analyze elemental things and upload the data to the cloud which could be later allowed to other robots to interpret. The goal is to make robots understand the objects so that they can hold and manipulate it as needed.

7. Tesla Autopilot
Autonomous driving is a reality now. The software uses sensors, cameras, radars and digitally controlled breaks to drive. Autopilot exists in restricted areas, but it is a huge leap into the future.

8. Flying Ambulance
Yes, it is as amazing as it sounds. Helicopters are the best air transportation in most of the cases. They are easy to land and to take off and need less area for the same. These aeronautic ambulances are a creation that can be absolutely helpful in case of natural calamities or war. It’s a robotic vehicle which has a potential solution of rescuing people without a human pilot.

9. Sweat detectors
These are soft stickers developed to track your body health by analyzing your sweat and displaying it on your smartphone through an app. Your sweat is rich in chemicals, and the molecules can be genuinely helpful to detect your health and to know what’s going on inside your body.

10. Harry Potter Spells
We cannot go to Hogwarts to explore magic, but Google has a little gift for all of us as now it allows us to cast a spell on our phones! To cast a spell you just need to say ‘Ok Google’ and then ‘Lumos’ will turn on the flashlight of our phone and ‘Nox’ will switch it off. You can put your phone on silence by spelling ‘Silencio’. Platform 9 ¾ is on Ok Google, how cool is that!?