Several of Windows 10’s crucial attributes are well-known, but the operating system originates with multiple outstanding features that aren’t as closely understandable to average operators and even experts. These features don’t gain the consideration that they must, so without any more activity, let’s progress with the top 10 hidden features of Windows 10.
1. God Mode
God Mode doesn’t reveal any additional underground features in Windows or allow you to do any tuning that you can’t do in the standard Windows interface. As an alternative, it’s a separate file you can enable that uncovers most of Windows’ running, administration, settings, and Control Panel gears in a solitary, easy-to-scroll-through interface. The God Mode folder poses a calmer method to surf through 206 of these tools and get to recognize them.

2. Virtual Desktop (Task View)
If you are inclined to have a lot of programs accessible together, the Virtual Desktop feature is for you. In the toolbar, click the “Task View” logo, which is instant to the right of the search bar. Or press Windows Key + Tab as a keyboard shortcut. This attribute is terrific to put, for instance, all your internet and research programs on one desktop and messaging applications on a different. It allows protected and creative distant work on any device. It simplifies IT administration.

3. Background Scrolling
Background scrolling is an attribute you thought Microsoft would apply in Windows formerly. In past versions of the OS, you could only scroll in a specific window or application if that window was functional. If you place your cursor over a window and that window is inoperative, scrolling would happen, often accidentally, in an entirely unlike window that hung active.

4. Stop Background Apps From Running
One more mobile OS-appropriated feature is options within Settings to the regulator, which apps can run in the background. That may not look like an important thing, but if you are tethering your laptop to a mobile hotspot with a data cap, it can prevent you from losing a lot of data — and probably save some battery life too. If you’re looking to halt standard applications from tapping backdrop resources, you must shut the program manually and make sure to stop the program from proceeding at startups.

5. Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcut keys make navigating Windows 10 much relaxed, and each one applies the Windows Key together with an additional key or two:
- Windows Key-Tab for Task View
- Windows Key-Up and Down to snap apps to the top or bottom of the screen or maximize
- Windows Key-Ctrl-Left or Right to scroll between virtual desktops
- Windows Key-Ctrl-D to create a new virtual desktop
- Windows Key-Ctrl-F4 for closing the virtual desktop
- Windows Key-Shift-C for Cortana listening
- Windows Key-S for Daily Glance for weather, news, sports

6. Quickly Minimize All Windows Excluding The Active One
This attribute is known as Aero-Shake. The keyboard shortcut for Aero-Shake is “Windows Logo Key + Home.” In Windows 10, all you’ll require to do is to take hold of the window by its title bar and pass it a shake. All the inactive windows will be minimized. To return all minimized Windows to their previous positions, jiggle the active window once more, or you can use the shortcut keys- “Windows Logo Key + Home.”

7. New Trackpad Gestures
Microsoft has created strenuous work in Windows 10 to bring in the trackpad gestures that operators have grown familiarized with OS X. If you’re a Mac user. All the features you’re comfortable with — like pinching to zoom or exercising two fingers to scroll up and down — will function likewise in Windows 10. Along with those gestures, there are a few additional Windows 10-specific gestures.
8. Print To PDF
It has been a fastener of Google’s substitute browser, and users of OS X have also relished it innately around the operating system for relatively some time. In Windows 10, “Print to PDF” is an in-built option across the complete operating system. You can gain access to this from whichever print dialog. Any app can access the pdf document formed by Microsoft Print to PDF that upholds this format.

9. Storage Sense
Storage Sense is one of the groovy elements Microsoft has fetched from cellular platforms to Windows 10. The feature investigates the documents on your disk drive, informs you how much room is occupied by various matter categories and recommends approaches to detect and clear out these files. Storage Sense provides you with an exhaustive storage categorization for each purpose for systems with greater than one drive, including any hard drives connected via USB.

10. Video Screen Recording Anywhere
The Xbox application in Windows 10 comprises a feature entitled Game DVR, which mainly envisions recording gameplay. However, you can utilize Game DVR to record any application (or the Windows desktop) with a handful of simple efforts, without much struggle. The one pitfall that does not make Windows’ integrated screen recording seem all along: it only tapes in the ongoing window, so you can’t use numerous apps or switch apps while recording.