1. Grace Hopper

A computer programmer who developed a compiler to use in COBOL language. She is also a military leader. Hopper contributed to the development of the primary techniques to the most complicated software techniques. She has worked with the Mark I and Mark II computers and has attained the Naval Ordnance Development Award for her works.
2. Margaret Hamilton

One of the most dominant women developers who coined the term software engineer to define her work to others. She helped to code for Apollo missions. She also has written code for SAGE project to recognize opposition aircraft. Hamilton was a beneficiary of several honors.
3. Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace is a subordinate of Charles Babbage; a program was created for digital computers by her. She is also known as the first computer programmer. The programming language called ‘Ada’ named in remembrance of her. Ada Lovelace day celebrates and honors the women who have made contributions to the technological and engineering fields.
4. Jean Jennings Bartik
An American computer scientist who played a vital role in ENIAC programming. She has also programmed other commercial computers like Binary Automatic Computer (BINAC) and Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC). Honored with a Pioneer Award from IEEE society.
5. Barbara Liskov
Liskov is an institute professor. Her focal interests are programming languages, peer to peer computing, development of software and computing. CLU was her first project which supports abstraction of data. She similarly designed Thor and Argus. She has received Programming Languages Achievement Award in ACMSIGPLAN Conference and is a part of National Academy of Engineering.
6. Sheryl Sandberg

Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, a commonly used social media network. She has also worked in Google under AdSense which displays advertisements on web pages. She had done a similar advertising project on Facebook to make it more profitable as Google. Sandberg became noticeable person among women society.
7. Susan Wojcicki
Susan Diane Wojcicki is an American tech executive who is the CEO of YouTube. Ad Words was her first ever successful project under Google. She is the 16th employee hired by Google. Most of the company profits made with her works along with partner Larry Page.
8. Anna Patterson

Anna Patterson is the vice president of engineering at Google. She helped Android to reach millions of devices. She is the co-founder of Gradient Ventures. Keyword-based engine, written by her was a successful one. Patterson was also the architect of TeraGoogle, index search engine. She is a research scientist in artificial intelligence.
9. Marissa Mayer
An American corporate woman, software developer, and was the CEO of Yahoo, the search engine. She has worked in Google and has grown successfully throughout her working days. Mayer developed many programs regarding the searches on articles, news, and other queries which in turn returns information based on it with a display of the icon of the website. She also helped in creating Gmail, Chrome and Google Earth.
10. Gina Trapani
Trapani has inspired a lot of women to get into the technological field and to show off their talent. She is eminent in presenting diversity issues through technical aspects. Her website ’Narrow the gap’ shows the gender gap occurred in each occupation searched in America. She is one such woman who wanted to debug the diversity problems. Trapani has written various books on life hacks and tricks.