Trending Strategic Technology Of 2016 That Organization Should Adapt

1. The Device Mesh:
The Device Mesh takes over the isolation interaction of end points of the devices with which human interact via desktop computer and mobile devices such as tablets and smartphone. It refers to connecting all devices in an expanding set of endpoints, human uses to access any information and application or interacts with the people social communities, government and business communities. All devices such as camera, mobile phones, and many such appliances are connected to the back –end system and operated individually. They are different from one another. So when the device mesh unrolls, it is expected to bring them together and emerge into a connection model to expand and provide greater cooperative interactions between the devices.
The device mesh includes wearable, electronic device, automotive device, mobile device and the environmental devices like a sensor in the internet of things.
2. Ambient User Experience:
Ambient user experience means synchronization of the entire digital interface into continuous and ambient digital user experience that preserves our experience and interaction with the traditional lines of a device, space and time. The feature will be a blend of virtual, physical and electronic experience as users move to change their place or surrounding environmental changes, and the information gained is real-time contextual information.
The organisation, will have to shift their focus from discrete set of apps to entire range of product and services That Revolves Around The User Experience In Order To Track The Customer’s Behaviour.
3. 3D – Printing Materials:
3D Printing evolving with the varied range of materials such as conductive ink, electronics, pharmaceuticals, advanced nickel alloy, carbon fiber, for practical implications into medical, automotive, aerospace, energy and military.
The recent developments have made the possibility of combination of multiple materials with traditional 3D printing into a single unit. It is very useful for specific field operations and repairs given that specific tool is required and printed on demand. The printing of skin and organ is an example of biological 3D Printing.
Smart Machine:
4. Information Of Everything:
Everything revolving around the digital mesh is generating, providing and communicating the virtually endless amount of information. The organisation must learn how to recognise the information of strategic importance, how to access data from the different available sources and the role of the algorithm in leveraging the Information of Everything and transforming into the new business model.
5. Advances Machine Learning:
Through advances machine learning, a smart machine more intelligent by enabling them to understand the concept and learn in an environment. It will enable the smart machine to modify its behaviour according to the situation and work accordingly. The organisation must assess this strategic technological trend and must apply technology gain a competitive edge. It will take the machines beyond automation and can sense, learn and develop problem solving attitude as like humans.
6. Autonomous Agents And Things:
It is a spectrum of smart machines that includes a virtual personal assistant robots, autonomous vehicles and smart advisors implemented in autonomous or semi-autonomous manner. It is processed into ambient user experience in which autonomous agents become the main interface. Instead of operating with menus, buttons etc. on the smartphone, the user speaks to an app which is an intelligent agent.

The New It Reality :
7. Adaptive Security Architecture:
The complexity of digital business rise of algorithm economy and rise of hacker industry, the IT organisation must focus on detecting and responding to the threat with traditional blocking and other measures.
8. Advanced System Architecture:
An intense computing architecture is required to make the digital mesh and smart machine viable for the organization. The architecture requires high power boost and ultra-efficient neuromorphic setup. The graphics processing units (GPUs) and the field-programmable gate array (FPGAs) based system, function alike human, specially suitable to the deep understanding and the same algorithm patterns used by the smart machine. The FPGAs architecture allows distribution with less power into the internet of things point such as home, cars etc.
9. Mesh App And Service Architecture:
This enables the delivery of apps and service to a flexible and ever-changing environment of digital mesh. It will serve the changing requirements of user.
10. Internet Of Things Architecture And Platform:
It exists behind the service and the mesh app set up. The technology and standard in this platform form a foundation of functionality for communication, control, and manage endpoints and secure them as well.