Twitter is a News and Social Networking site where users can write the posts, can be able to read the posts of others. Such posts are called as the ‘tweets.’ It is limited only to 140 characters for each tweet. It was started by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in the year 2006. As per 2016, Twitter has more than 310 million active users every month. Its Revenue is 2021 billion; Net-Income was around 521 million in the American Dollars as per the year of 2015. It has 3,860 employees and around 28 branches around the world.

A cool feature in the Twitter is that the persons who are registered can write their tweets and can read the others too, but those who are not registered are only able to read the tweets of others.
Most popular and little bird company is now thinking about to introduce a tool to edit the tweets of the users. The idea is now considering by them because of the feedbacks got from some of the users. Yes, the company says, most comments are related to the requests “start to provide an edit option for the tweets.”
One of the reason, that Twitter is thinking about Edit tweet tool is “recently President of America Mr. Ronald Trump had tweeted in his account accidentally as unprecedented”, So such tweet will really affect the reputation and makes viral of some people even in groups too. If an editing tool is introduced to their site, it will be definitely useful to the users and misspell of words will never evolve.
The demerit of the Twitter of not having an edit option is affecting some people. Yes, as the top websites like Facebook, Instagram, etc. are suggesting the edit option in their sites it will be a demerit to the Twitter not having such option. So the users are asking for such an option should be introduced in the Twitter.
And also Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter asked the users directly about this issue and their reply was” yes it will be very useful introducing the edit option and they suggested to have the edit option for 5 minutes period if possible or the tweet whenever they need.”

On this issue, Dorsey was not sure and not confirmed that they are going to introduce the edit option or not. But sources are saying that Twitter is now considering such feature. As the tweet editing is following by other sites and using by the number of users, it may be going to start on Twitter. Introducing new features was not a new thing to the Twitter; it’s already introduced some features like related to the photos on the Twitter. Sources are saying that Twitter will definitely bring such tool. By this new editing option, misspell of the words and correction of tweets can be possible to the users leads to decrease the controversial news and even the miscommunication between the people who read the tweets.