Types of jQuery File Upload Plug-ins
I guess you all have uploaded any file, image, video, or audio on any social media website such as Facebook, or any job portal where you need to upload your resume, etc. As a designer, have you ever think of how is it done and how the code goes? If not, get to know about it today. Previously, it used to take long lines of code to design a file upload button and save a file into it. But it is made easier for today’s designers with jQuery File Upload plug-ins. You can upload any file of your choice.
Some of the jQuery file upload plug-ins are:
1. Plupload:
Silverlight, HTML5 Gears, Flash, BrowserPlus, and some other normal forms are used to implement this unique feature called jQuery plugin Plupload. This is not just the usual way of uploading the image, but it also allows you to resize the image according to your choice, allows chunked uploads, and display the upload progress of the file such as how much time it will take to upload the whole file, or if it is successfully uploaded or not. Designers of TinyMCE have developed the plug-in Plupload. It is highly usable for your Content Management Systems as an upload handler.
Check out the jQuery File Upload plug-in sample here.

2. Multiple File Upload:
Though there are many jQuery file upload plug-ins, it still creates a burden on the server if you select more files. To reduce this issue, a jQuery plugin called Multiple File Upload is designed to select multiple files on your server quickly and easily. Using $.MultiFile, jquery multiple file upload plug-in is implemented. This allows easy access for the users as it is a non-obtrusive plug-in.
Uploading the file is not enough; what if the user doesn’t upload any file and click on the submit button, or what if he uploads a file which is not valid and your server has restricted it? To solve these issues, a front-end validation is provided in this plug-in so that developers find it as an easy task to deal with errors.
Look at the code and demo of Multiple File Upload here.

3. Resumable.js:
To obtain the simultaneous multiple, stable, resumable file uploads, we have Resumable.js file upload plug-in, which derives its features from the HTML5 File API. It is included in the JavaScript library.
Uploading of large and important files on the server is a quite a difficult task as we need to take care of its security and other factors. This provides fault-tolerance through HTTP for large files.
Security, availability, reliability, etc. comes under Fault-tolerance even at the error situation. This plug-in allows the user to resume and pause the uploading of the file. File upload recovery is also possible if the upload was abruptly stopped.
Check out the code and demo here.

There are many more file upload plug-ins being developed day by day. You just need to look for the plug-ins that suit the purpose of your website.