It is the world of new emerging technologies, applications, software, etc. From a simple text message to highly advanced robotics, we need coding. It is the most important part of the technical field. There is no developer without the coding knowledge. To make software, websites, applications, etc. we need to code a lot. There are many languages and methods to code. Different coding languages provide separate features. Based on its features, ease of use, services, etc. developer can choose his field in that language. C programming is such an early developed, useful and easy language for coders to program.

It is one of the best programming languages, and it provides the basics of programming. Knowledge of C has become necessary to learn any other programming language. Concepts of all the programming languages are same, but the notation, services, and features might change. Based on your requirement you need to choose it.
It is called a Middle-level Programming Language as it is easily understood by both the machine and the human. Tasks related to OS, networking, etc. can be easily verified using C Programming.
Some of the real-time applications of C are
1. To create simple computer applications, C language is used
2. You can code Embedded software using it
3. For the products of electronics, communications, industries, which uses micro-controllers, it acts as a firmware.
4. To develop the test code, software verification, simulators, etc. it is used in different hardware and software products.
5. It is also used to create compiles for different Languages, as this helps in the process of accepting the input from different language and converting it into the dependent lower level machine language.
6. Different operations of various operating systems can be implemented using C.
7. The complete coding of UNIX kernel is done using C.
Importance of ‘C’ language
Though new languages are emerging and being implemented vastly, C programming has never lost its identity and need in the programming field. It is famous and mostly used because of its qualities. Still companies and firms use it for basic and simple applications. And of, course, knowledge of C is necessary to learn any programming language. It makes the programming much easier.
Some qualities are
1. It is a robust and reliable language. Any complex program can be written easily using its rich functions, setup, and operators.
2. Due to its powerful variety of data types and powerful operators, a program in C is much efficient.
3. There are some in-built keywords in any programming language. But here there are only 32 keywords in its library and is very easy to remember. Its library consists of several standard functions and services which are used to develop programs.
4. Features of high-level language are combined with the capabilities of an assembly language in the C compiler. Hence, it can write both the business packages and system software.
All of these applications, reasons justify that why C programming is still used though there are many other programming languages.