Web Design software You Can Definitely Use
Flash Website Design Pro
Flash Website Design Pro is a flash based HTML tool which is extremely helpful to web designers to make flash websites with animations, Flash ads, Flash banner, and intros. With this application, you will be able to create your personal website within few minutes and even if you do not acquire any particular skills. You can create all kinds of simple and even complex based Flash animations.
You can also group together different kinds of effects and fonts all together. The program is tremendously user-friendly, offers a broad range of effect templates that can be used right away and you do not require any HTML or Flash based programming skills to make use of it. The operating system this program supports are; Windows®95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, NT and 7.

Altova StyleVision Enterprise Edition
Altova StyleVision Enterprise Edition is a powerful and robust visual style sheet designer, which is useful for transforming database data, XBRL, XML, into different file formats such as PDF, RTF, HTML, Word 2007 output, OOXML and creating e-Forms. It supports standards-compliant JavaScript, CSS, and XSL: FO, XSLT 2.0, XSLT 1.0, and numerous other prominent databases. You can easily access database data, XBRL, XML, process it, and get the output in five different formats. The program has built-in templates that are extremely useful. The application is easily available with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions and it integrates extremely well with Eclipse and Visual Studio.
Website Realizer
An application that is helpful in building up websites and web portals by simply dragging and dropping effects, media, images, and also by adding in your own text. You can get all this comfort with this Website Realizer application. While you are working with this application, you do not even require having any programming knowledge; this is because the Website Realizer program automatically creates all the HTML based codes for you just in few minutes. Different operating systems that are supported by this application are; Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7.
Altova XMLSpy Enterprise Edition
Altova XMLSpy Enterprise Edition is one of the best sellers when it comes to XML development and XML editor environment for editing, debugging, transforming and modeling the XML technologies. The software includes some of the most powerful and robust features that enable the users to design and develop complex schemas with extreme convenience and ease. It supports all the major databases such as; PostgreSQL, Sybase, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2, and various others. XMLSpy is available both in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. It offers a 30-day trial period and costs $999.00. The operating systems it supports are; Windows® 95, ME, 3.x, 2003, XP, Vista and 7
TechWriter for XML Schemas
With TechWriter for XML Schemas, you can now accurately complete an XML Documentation. It is a document generator for XSDs (XML Schema Definitions) and XML DTDs. You can generate your documents in Web site, Word, RTF, PDF, HTML Help formats. It is an extremely convenient and user-friendly authoring tool. TechWriter for XML Schemas has all the exceptional and outstanding features that enable a user to enhance, improvise, and generate a document with additional information and facts that are not overwritten on consequent modifications. You can easily control the documentation by figuring out the targeted audience.
XML Marker
XML Marker is an application that is useful in editing XML script that makes use of a harmonized table-tree-and-text exhibit to show both the tabular and the hierarchal nature of the entire XML data. It will automatically produce the tabular data. This makes the result extremely informative and clutter-free while displaying. The implementation is extremely competent and effective in the memory and you can access the CPU resources, which you can easily navigate even through the large XML files that can range from hundreds of megabytes to gigabytes of XML data while running it on standard computer systems. The application is free to use and the operating systems it supports are Windows®95, 98, ME, NT and XP.