Apple, a product with millions of users, a product which has a deep place in the heart of everyone whether they have it or just dream about it. What makes Apple so desirable for everyone that even it’s high price fails to stop it being most lovable product of all humans? Come on with us to understand intoxicating fragrance of Apple:
Steve-the father: First reason of Apple being a leading brand is Steve himself. His dedication for Apple, dreams of staying ahead and creating amazing products and with best hardware and software took Apple beyond all competitions.

We want it for us: Steve Jobs, father of Apple, had once said that, all developers should feel the need of themselves that is, what features they want in Apple and on the basis of it they should implement it and it is well known to all that human’s desire for better never ends. That’s the reason of unique and amazing features with each new release of products.
Diverse range of products: There are a lot of Apple products available in the market.

Simple and easy to handle: Nothing can substitute comfort. The same thing happens with Apple. Apple products are made so simple and handy that they stay in the eyes of buyers.
Performance: Now the feature that drags for maximum number of buyers to a product, i.e. performance. Let’s talk about one product, an iPhone. It has less number of CPU cores but they are so powerful that JavaScript performance gets better than chrome for Android.
Memory: In case of Apple, memory works differently. Like an iPhone has less RAM but instead of garbage collection, it deletes discarded objects promptly.
Camera: Lower resolution camera of Apple products gives HD like photos because processing on the camera is so highly refined that better looking photos are being produced.
If we sit here to list all qualities of Apple products, many days will pass. This made buyers to forget about price of products and a desire to have them.
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