Android-the catalyst helping phones becoming smart phones.

Android-the catalyst helping phones becoming smart phones

The operating system that changed the interior of smartphones and tabs is android. The founder club of this system had three members,namely Andy Rubin,Rich Miner and Nick sears. They started their journey in 2003 and within 2 years of time it was a loss project. The founders ran out of capital and that is when Google bought the company and silently announced their business interest in the mobile sector in 2005.

The ex-owners of the company stayed along and from 2005 to 2007 Google tried its best to publicize the android system to the companies that might need it to run their products. 2007 was the turning point as a new organization was formed called “Open handset alliance”. The alliance consisted of huge names such as HTC, Samsung,LG,Motorola,Google itself and many more. The alliance also revealed their first product on the same day of their revelation and it was android that stood on the Linux kennel version of 2.6. New members also kept joining the Open handset alliance. The main aim of the Open handset alliance is to make sure that android evolves properly with time and thus makes the use of phones easier than it was ever before.

The first phone that ever used the magic of android is the HTC Dream in 2008. Most of the phones that we see today is operated by android. The reach has also stretched a lot in the recent days as even laptops ,net books, digital cameras ,head phones and even wrist watches have android installed in them. Few of the latest inclusion in the android family has been very impressive. The 3.0 Honeycomb was made for the tablets and it was intended to support large screens. The 3.1 Honeycomb aided extra USB device. The 3.2 version of the honeycomb was even better as it supported even larger screen. The 4.0 ice cream sandwich released on the end of October 2011 was brilliant as it allowed apps like facial recognition unlock, offline email searching and even an application folder and many more.

The elite programmers panel of android is very large and they work day night to develop this beautiful operator. The main specialty of android is its large collection of application. There are more than 420,000 apps available for android. Smartphones becomes even smarter with android and the way it is making its own way in the near future it might be hard to call a phone without android a smart phone.


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