Facebook Timeline: Are you ready for a change?
For all those people who have not been on social networking site Facebook recently, you might be surprised what you find when you do decide to log on. Since last year, Facebook has been promoting a new ‘upgrade’ that was set to take effect in the year 2012. Well, it is now 2012; allow Facebook to introduce to you ‘The Facebook Timeline’.

The Facebook timeline is a new feature that allows users to tell a story about their lives from the day they were born to the recent date. There is a huge cover photo and smaller photo and underneath all those is your entire life, photos and status updates arranged in chronological order from the day you joined Facebook. You can also edit what you want other people to see on your timeline. There are other features like a map of every place you have been to in the world, an apps page and a ‘Like’ page. Despite the massive potential in this idea, it does not seem to have gone down well with everyone.
When it comes to pided opinions, nothing tops the chart more than the Facebook timeline. There are those Facebook users who love it, others hate it, and some don’t know what to think and others are simply angry with Facebook for changing their profiles without consulting them. The timeline is not new really. Facebook was promoting it since last year. There was a link at the top of everybody’s Facebook profile page giving details about this new feature being introduced. The truth is, not every Facebook user followed up on it. That is why there is a furore over the Facebook upgrade.

Human beings are not always willing to accept change. We have early adopters and late adopters. It seems that 60 percent of Facebook users were looking forward to Facebook spicing things up. The 40 percent however deem the change unnecessary. They claim that if something is not broken, why fix it. Another group believes that the timeline looks like a ‘wannabe’ MySpace page. Nevertheless, Facebook is trudging on, unperturbed. There is no need to offer the 40 percent a ‘return to old Facebook page’ button.
Therein lays the message and the lesson. This is a bold move by Facebook, which does not appear to be as popular as anticipated. However, Facebook is a site where people can meet, stay in touch and have fun together. Once the 60 percent begin having fun with their timelines, the 40 percent will be drawn in and in due time, the timeline will prove to be a moment of genius by Facebook developers.