ICT- Overview
ICT which refers as the Information and Communications Technology is basically a synonym that is being used for Information Technology in the modern times, but formerly, it is commonly used as the fact that it emphasizes on the role of communications in terms of the Information Technology in the modern times.

It consists of every possible technical means used for handling information as well as improving communications that includes computer, network and hardware along with essential software. In other words, it can be said that ICT consist of Information Technology as well as broadcast media, telephone communications and several other kinds of audio and video processing and transmission.

The term ICT is quite often used for referring to the convergence of telephone networks with the computer networks through single link system or cabling. There are several economic incentives that are basically quite cost-saving because of the removal telephone network for merging the telephone network with computer network systems. This basically has lead to the growth of several organizations with the use of this term within their names in order to indicate the specialization in the same process. It seems to be an essential thing looking at the present scenario but one needs to understand its real aspects before taking up the services.
ICT Functions and Organization – What Does ICT team Take care of?
ICT performs several different functions in various organizations. None of the definitions regarding the Information Communications Technology can be considered as final, because there are several different modifications made to its definition on a daily basis. This happens due to the rapid rate of the advancements that are being made regularly.
The functions of the Information Communications Technology performs can be classified on the basis of the breakage of the whole term. ICT can be divided into three basic groups: Information, Communications and Technology, which together represents all the possible functions that can ever be performed using this term. One of the best way of considering ICT as a whole is to think and consider the uses of all the digital technologies that can be thought of being existent and which are already in process of helping the people, organizations, and business for using information.
It has the ability of storing, retrieving, manipulating, transiting and receiving information on electrical basis in its digital form; for instance the personal computers, robots, emails, digital television, etc. Thus it can be said that Information Communications Technology involves the storage, manipulation, retrieval and receipt as well as transmission of the digital data. It is further concerned about the ways of the different uses that can actually work with one another.
In businesses, Information Communications Technology is most commonly categorized in two broad categories of products which include the following:
- The first group of products includes all the traditional computer-based technologies which are the things that one can easily do on their personal computers using the one at their homes or at offices.
- While the second class of products includes the ones that are quite recent as well as fast growing as far as the digital communication technologies go. These are the products that allow individuals as well as organizations communicate and further share the information through digital means.
Now in order to understand both these kind of products, much better to try using it, one should have a clear idea about the various varieties of products and ideas that ICT usually covers.
Let's take a brief look at these two categories to demonstrate the kinds of products and ideas that were covered by ICT. These include the standard office applications as well as the specialized applications wherein the first category includes products such as the word processing, spreadsheets, database software, presentation software, desktop publishing and graphic software while the latter class of products include accounting packages, computer aided designs, and the customer relations management.
The next part of the ICT term includes the C part which refers to the electronic data communication which is normally done through certain distances. This is mostly done with the help of some networks including the sending & receiving equipment, satellite links and the wires. The technologies involved with this set of functions are quite complex but one does not require understanding them all. But all one needs to do is gather required amount of awareness about the digital communications.
The communication technology finally revolves around the kinds of networks being used as well as the ways that connect these networks to the internet. ICT in a much broader sense covers all the above products and requirements whereas there are several other areas as well that make use of the same technology. In order to be used in an organization or a business, several different aspects such as the nature and management of information and the information systems strategy.
Why is ICT Necessary for Companies?
ICT is very important and each of the computers needs it due to varied reasons. It is no longer a thing that is required only by certain businesses or organizations. ICT enables to increase the overall profile of the organization, keep a step with the current development of their fields, help in organizing as well as managing the information quite easily, monitor the entire finances accurately, it helps secure the contact details of the users, understand about the people using the services and try improving the area of their reach and it helps save costs in any operation or process much more efficiently and effectively providing high flexibility.
In order to decide about the ICT plan that one organization should go for, involves several things to be considered and it is one decision that should be finalized strategically with the involvement of the overall staff as well as trustees instead of just making the decision with the help if the technical experts of the organizations. Adequate information as well as the right knowledge about the recent updates in terms of the Information Communications Technology helps such business and organizations become highly successful with their limited stock of resources without wasting much amounts on other things.