The Samsung Galaxy Note: Why you should save up today
It has come to my attention that a few people around me have acquired the recently launched Samsung Galaxy Note. I ask these people, what are their motives? Last month, it was tablet PC, this month; it is a mixture of tablet PC and phone. The tagline ‘Phone? Tablet?’ lets you know of how far Samsung have come in evolving their way of communication thinking, and how far other companies need to go in order to reach them. Why don’t we take a look at this beauty in a bit more detail?

First off, Samsung Galaxy Note is defined as a Smartphone with the capacity of an Android tablet. You’d be hard pressed to find another phone/tablet with a 5.3 inch Super-AMOLED display that has a 1.4 GHz Exynos processor (sometimes released with a 1.5 GHz Snapdragon processor for major telecommunication operators around the world), 1 GB RAM, an 8 megapixel front camera with 1080p video recording capacity, and a 2 megapixel front-view camera. Support for Wi-Fi, GPS tracking and stylus pen are also available. What this means all in all, is that you get a super mini tab-cum-phone packed with everything you need to go to a picnic to attend a business conference.

The S Pen:
Let me tell you the good part about the Galaxy Note. The manufacturers have brought back something classic from the decades gone by, and thought to be extinct, and revamped it into an entirely modern usage device: the Stylus. I use my caps lock to write the ‘S’ because of the importance that this stylus brings to the Galaxy Note. Picture yourself on a sunny beach. Do you like the sun setting against the horizon on the beautiful blue sea, with you basking in all its glory? Take out your Galaxy Note, use the ‘S Pen’ (as it is called) and press the ‘shift’ key on your Stylus with your camera on and facing the sunset, and voila! You have an instant screenshot. While going home driving, are you feeling sad that you did not include yourself in the photo take? Why don’t you just crop out one of your pictures from the shower (without wearing anything up top, of course wearing something below) using your ‘S Pen’, and use the shift key to copy and paste it onto the beach? It is that easy! The best part is, you do not even need to use a tutorial to guide yourself through all this, and just tinkering with the phone for 5 precious minutes will earn you a certificate on mastering its potentials. All these being possible with the TouchWiz 4.0 interface.

If you are not in mood for image-editing, the Galaxy Note promises an upgrade on the current Android 2.3 ‘Gingerbread’ to the Android 4.0 ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’ around early 2012, with a lot of features to come. Other than your daily usual movies, music, application use, which I am sure are old news by now, the breakthrough comes with the games that the Android phone/tablet has to offer. Yes ladies and gentlemen, GTA3 has come to Android! The Galaxy Note beautifully uses its interface to maneuver your character in the game, although it does take getting used to at first. The iPhone is officially dead now, for that matter. How about FIFA 2012? Dead Space? The phone/tab even has a Gyroscope to boast about. You point in any direction, and it will automatically move like a compass and show you all the stars and planets that are at the direction you are pointing. Try and find the sun before it rises this way! It could be fun! Yes, it is all here now. Ladies and gentlemen, if you haven’t seen what the future is all about, save up today, take out a bonus, but do acquire this phone/tab somehow.