In 1941 the science fiction writer and futurist Isaac Asimov first used the word ‘robotics’ mean slave or servant to describe the new technology and to predict the rise of powerful industry. George Devol discovered the first digitally operated and programmable robot of the world, “UNIMATE”. In 1961 the first digital robot Unimate went online in a General Motors automobile factory in “New Jersey,” and the journey of the robotic world started. By using different types of technologies and ideas scientist developed different machines called the robot.

We can define a robot as a self-controlled programmable device, who works fluently by using electronics and artificial intelligence as well as by using mechanical units. Robots are getting developed since the 20th century. In early industries, robots called as master manipulators. These robots were controlled by using mechanical linkage and steel cables, but today we can use joysticks or switches. Unlike humans robots never get tired of their work, they can endure any task though it is uncomfortable or dangerous.
In today’s world robots have advanced sensory systems that process information and appear to function as they have a brain. Their brain is a computerized artificial intelligent (AI). It allows a robot to receive the condition and base on that condition it sends an action. Today we have lots of examples of well-developed robots. Like “SOPHIA” world’s first humanoid robot that got citizenship.
She has great IQ, just like a normal human being, she interacts with people, she has a good sense of clothing, she work fluently, she answers to the different questions of people with perfection, earlier she had visited IIT Bombay for interaction with students in which she wore Indian traditional ‘SAREE’ which was selected by her own. She has visited many high profile interviews.
She can recognize jokes, serious topics, sarcasm, etc. and she answers or talks over all these topics very brilliantly and quickly without making mistake in it. Cameras within Sophia’s eye combined with computer algorithms, so she can follow faces, sustain eye contact and recognize individuals, she is creative, capable and as conscious as any human.
Just like Sophia, there are so many robots who can work more brilliantly as compare to the human being. Let us take an example of Alexa, which the product of the leading online shopping store Amazon. Alexa is a type of device which is capable of remembering the important things, day-to-day meetings, an appointment of doctors, and the significant works in our life. As well as the device can provide the live information on weather, traffic, sports, and the updated things such as news.
We can be used her as a personal assistant. Now a day in so many companies there is different types of fictional machines which have more strength or potential of doing the work than workers. Thus efficiency will automatically increase. So to save the cost of production, companies are using developed machinery on behalf of humans. If companies hire robots rather than humans, then they don’t need to give augmentation to robots.
Though robots are more beneficial for human beings, at some points, there is no competition between them, as they are programmed machines. So when it comes to emulation, we will need the latest or innovations for our future. And maybe someday these new techniques will give us the perfect replacement for the human being. And they will be our future colleagues.