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What are some of the special features that are found in both Facebook Messenger and Yahoo Messenger that makes these two apps special from other messaging applications? Comparing the messenger apps of Facebook and that of Yahoo, which of these two can best be described as better in terms of user friendly, interesting and interactive features that keeps as well as entices users to continue the use of the application? Thank you.

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What are the distinct features of the Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.0.1 Antivirus software as compared to AVG Free Edition Antivirus Software features? What does the Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.0.1 Antivirus Software do exceptionally different from all other antivirus softwares? I would like to have an in-depth analysis on this subject as stated above. Thank you.

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Hello, I want a brief description about Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 820 processors and its habits
Where will it be used? What are cognitive computing capabilities? Is Snapdragon 820 and Kryo same processor? Is Snapdragon 820 used in robots, virtual reality, headsets? What is Neuromorphic computing? What are its main areas of work? Thank You

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I would need an assistance on the very use of the Universal Audio Compressor called 1176 compressor. I am privileged to have this awesome gadget as part of my set up for an upcoming musical event in my community and since after this event I may not perhaps have the privilege to use this gadget again for such an event, I therefore require a detailed and relevant settings as well as all the necessary explanatory info needed to help me use the 1176 compressor to its optimum. Thank you.

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How can the compressor in the sound room be used to serve other purposes apart from its original or usual functional services? I am doing a research on the exceptional use of the compressor during recording and mixing of an event, a live sound track performance, and so on. I would love to get a little assistance on how possible one can use the compressor to achieve something new and different with the usual use of this device. Thank you.

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I would like to know how Nintendo 64 game console and that of Play Station 3 come about. What are the common features between these two brands? What are the trends be taken by Nintendo games that make them promising from Play Station games and what can Nintendo Games also learn from Play Station 3 game console to improve their possible chance of taken over the world of Video games?

Thank you.

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I purchased a new computer. This came in with bundles of MS Access from MS Office and MS VB 10. Can you tell me step by step how to connect MS Access Database to VB 10 or vice versa? Do I need to use a data connector to make this work? How can I locate the database using MS VB 10? Is there any other connector that I can use to connect database? How fast is the response time?

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I own a printing press company. I would like to know transferring from primitive way of printing articles or posters. I would like to know what are the system requirements of Canon PROGRAFiPF605? Does comes with installation cd? Is it bundled with Adobe Photoshop? The pixel settings how is it different? Is it auto-adjust in printing? Or do I still need to set it in Photoshop? How long does it take to print a 3 meters by 6 meters posters?

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I would like to purchase a new television set to replace my old one. I want to know what are the features of Sony X Series and W850B series compared? What are the materials used to manufacture this TV. In picture quality which one’s the best? How long will it take to lose the brightness or quality of the picture? How beneficial these appliances? What are the features that older LCD/SMART doesn't have that comes with this sets?

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Hello Everyone!

I would like to know something about PowerShot SX50 HS. How to use it? Can connect it to my computer to download the images captured? Can we directly print the images without connecting it to computer? What are the available ports for this camera? Can I directly connect it to my printer? Can I connect extra light-flashes? Can I use different lenses to enhance my captured images? Is it compatible with Adobe Photoshop? What are the features that keeps it better than any other camera?

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