Questions with no comments/solutions
What constitute 3D graphics and GPUs? What does it mean to virtualize a 3D graphics with NVIDIA GRID? How do one virtualize 3D graphics with NVIDIA GRID and what are the steps to consider? What are the benefits of NVIDIA GRID vGPU to the IT world and are there any demerits regarding this same component?
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Hello, my name is Linda Gyamfi studying sociology at the Polytechnic. Just three days ago I overheard a group of students debating on the new Apple Watch. I heard one student arguing her way out that anyone who would buy an Apple watch would regret to have purchase such gadget. I would like to know what your views on such a statement is and can you buttress your view with factual information and ideologies?
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I am facing some issues while implementing airspace solutions in WPF. Child and parent windows are not getting clipped and rendered. I have tried learning on clipping behavior of Windows 32 and found that the child windows are totally handled by another thread, which is causing this problem and one can solve this by enforcing WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, but I am not able to implement the same. How can I use WPF to solve this issue efficiently?
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Hi. I am more on gaming and I need to know if upgrading to GTX 1000 Series will be a better option. I've got GTX 680 SLI right now. I want to play games with 4K videos and games so please let me know if GTX 1000 Series is available now or just go with GTX 980?
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While trying to install Ubuntu, I had no issues. Now I have also installed openVPN for Ubuntu. I have got all the certifications from internet and also successfully prepared the client CONFIG file. But, i am facing problem when I try to open the VPN from the Ubuntu terminal. I am failing to connect to the installed openVPN server. This also happens when I try to open the openVPN as a daemon service. The client is unable to connect and services are failing to run. Where to find logs from daemon start of openVPN?
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I am looking for your kind help in joining multiple columns from different tables into one table.
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I have a comma separated file in the database and i need to detect some cases in some of the lines. The data os from a GPS receiver and there are many parameters such as latitude longitude velocity time number of satellite visible etc. Wherever the position (latitude and longitude) are zero it means it had lost the track and the position. I need to detect all those lines automatically and delete the entire line from the database. I know this kind of job is very easy in Perl but all my efforts went in vain. i am still trying but if any one of you can help me get through this i will be glad. happy scripting.
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I have installed strawberry Perl and am learning many Perl capabilities one at a time. I have written a few programs to explore the language and i am fairly confident about that now. i wanted to run one of the Perl script as an executable in windows command prompt. How to run a Perl script in the executable form in windows 7? I want to run very similar to how we run C executable in computers. Thank you for your help and guidance. How to generate Batch files and make it run, if possible? Or shall i try in Active Perl?
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I have the following setup. Apache/2.4.12 and is from Apache lounge. My current version of perl is 5.16.3 and also i have installed CGI for further processes. I am getting the above said error and don’t know what it means and why it is happening. I have windows 32 bit OS and is working fine for other compilers. Am i doing something irrelevant? How to go through this error and continue working with my Perl. I have no problems in perl CGI scripts and they all work fine. Any suggestions are welcome. Please let me know if i have to share other information. Thank you
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I need to give print of various file hashes and multiple strings which i want to directly print in plain text. But i am new to print and i know that CGI is used to print. How to print the text or string in perl? How to format it if required? What are more secure ways of issuing print ? I heard that there are more reliable, fast, secure methods of printing and they are replacing the CGI. What are those new options and how to use them? Cna you share the code part in simple Perl as an example to start with? I am planning to use this as a part of web script.
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