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I have Basero burner and I wanted to find out if it is possible to write a multi sessional disk, what would be the write speed to archive this? Does the multi sessional disk support further burning in windows system? Can you add files in a windows system? I have both Linux and windows systems
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I have a game that is operating on a higher GPU environment, is there a way that I can inter operate this in Linux and use in in a Linux environment? Is there a way that I can intergrate the GPU so that I can improve the performance for the Linux to support this?
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From a COM Interop point of view, which one is better to use? C# .NET(interopServices) or IDL in managing of COM+ interface? Is there anything that InteropServices have that isn't possible with an IDL or is there anything that IDL has that isn't possible with InteropServices? I'm asking about performance and feature differences.
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I am in desperate need to restore my Ubuntu Linux System back to the previous install. Someone once told me that there was a program I could run to do this. I have tried searching for it and can not seem to find anything like this. Is there anyone that can share what that program is?
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I have numerous emails that I send monthly, how can I set up a mass email client for the emails? does the Google account have a maximum email sending limit per day or do I need to get another domain server in-order to send the emails? Does such a service support relay and delivery notifications for emails?
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I am new to cloud computing but had a great idea. I want to design a virtual office that everyone can connect and work together in a cloud. Could anyone show me the steps on setting up the SaaS Server and how to connect it to a cloud online site?
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I would like to build a web hosting site and was interested if any has done this already. My main problem is how to build a load balance cluster and still balance resources evenly. I think that there is a market for this at must cloud hosting only focuses on the load clusters.
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I know a thing or two about virtualization, but I do not want to implement it here. I need to know how to use the rEFit in quadruple booting my new MacBook air to run OSX Yosemite, windows 10 technical preview, Google chrome OS and Ubuntu 14.14. Your help is appreciated.
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