Anonymous questions
We all know that Twitter has recently announced about its new tool by name app graph. It is said that this app tracks down the apps installed by the users on their devices. Even though it is believed that this app will collect only the list of apps and not the exact content, users are slightly hesitating with the use of this app. Is Twitter trying to secretly spy on the user’s usage with phones?
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It is a very well known fact that supermarkets in India are struggling a lot to run their business without loss. Even several super market owners have changed their business to alternative choice of income. But it is said that online shopping is creating a big boom in India. Is lack of parking in shopping area cause the Indian ecommerce boom?
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We all know the well known fact that new spectruc frequency is been allotted to Airtel and Vodafone. It is said that Airtel and Vodafone has started deploying their networks to the newly allotted frequencies. Will Airtel and Vodafone services be disrupted due to new allotted frequencies? Can anyone share your views on this issue?
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Among the Social Media Software programs would you tag as an all-time number one in the world currently? Why do you term your preferred social media software as all-time best in recent times? What makes them different from other social media softwares? Larry Samuel is my name from Serra Leon. Thank you.
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Which of the media players in recent times you recommend as the best in terms of user friendly and it being able to play all files? What are the advance features of this preferred software program as well as what makes it special from all other media players' features? Thank you.
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Which of the Video Graphics Card would you tag as Number One in the world today for Laptop Computers? What makes the one you have chosen the best? Can you describe four basic but special features of this product? Timothy Kinsmen is my name from South Africa and I need answers for these questions bothering my mind. Thank you.
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It is said that Apple has created another milestone with its strong performance recently. It is also stated that it has also set a new standard as it has reached the highest market cap in history. Two weeks back, Apple’s market cap reached $660 billion to set its first new high in last two years.
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We all know that any company instantly gets hyped looking at prospects of becoming supplier for tech-giant Apple. But it is said that in real Apple squeezes its suppliers in intolerant ways. What is the real story behind the Apple and GT creditors? Is Apple trying to take advantage of GT advanced technologies situation?
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It is informed by few sources that Twitter is interest in the selfie app which is backed by the singer Justin Bieber. Some even state that the CFO of Twitter has tweeted about this deal. The Shots user base is more than 3 million users out of which two-thirds of them are women under 24. Is Twitter acquiring the Justin Bieber’s selfie app, Shots?
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Which software would you recommend for editing animation videos for beginners? Why would you choose such software program and recommend it for beginners in animation video editing? What are the special features that can enhance the beginner to produce a standardized quality professional production? Michael Black is my name from Ghana. Thank you.
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