I am using v guard ups, my ups is not switching on, i checked all connection, may be its a circuit problem, how to check the circuit
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I'm currently working on learning Korean language. I want to start knowing simple things through interactive or animated flash Korean children story. I think it is more fun to learn the language using a children story, an exciting and easiest way still informative and technology oriented.
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I am a great GTA game lover. I have downloaded GTA Vice City 2011 to my computer but can't install it. I have tried it in many ways but still unsuccessful. Please give me suggestions how to install the game.
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I am a Kevin Langeree fan and eagerly waiting to watch his new movie called Hidden Lines. I want to download the hd quality of the movie. Please give me the link to download hd quality of the movie hidden lines.
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When start surf net (error: net err 324 empty response): The server is closed the connection without sending any data
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What is the best app remover for android? There are a lot of app remover in the market to choose but what is the best app to buy? I've tried several app but nothing really help me. I'm using a huawei ideos u8150 android 2.1Froyo. Some just made my phone on hang while others had a lot of advertisements. Thank you for those who will help me on this!
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I have a wordpress site. I want to add a 3d banner slider as a main header of my site. I do not know the procedure of adding 3d banner. Any kind of tips would be highly appreciated.
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I have installed fifa 2011 in my computer. I heard that there is a crowd chants feature available in this version of the game. I can't find it in the game option. Is there any extra file require to be loaded to enable the crowd sound effect in fifa 11? Is the feature available at play station and x-box?
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Hi there,
I was wondering whether putting my pc on Sleep mode or shutting it down would affect other pc connected to my office network?
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I am not sure how to make my EHD and time machine working wirelessly. I tried to hook my LACIE Rugged XL USB to my apple extreme airport. I hope to have my two laptops time machine working with backup two laptops wireless. I was told I can. But I am struggling. I need someone to help me step by step.
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